Anonymous ID: 334d25 Jan. 18, 2024, 8:21 p.m. No.20265701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5800 >>5802 >>6082 >>6194 >>6195 >>6196 >>6201 >>6204 >>6214 >>6215

COVID Propaganda Roundup: Bioterror State = Equity™


The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.


Corporate media claims Orwellian ‘pandemic treaty’ all about Equity™


Equity™, it can be seen, is an enormously versatile concept that means, all at once:


· Inviting drag queens to elementary schools to instruct kindergarteners how to deliver the most exceptional blowjobs they can muster


Giving free airplane seats away to butterballs so they stop complaining about #fatphobia on social media


· Programming AI to be lukewarm on white genocide


· Forcing allegedly sovereign national governments via “pandemic treaties” to turn over all of their biomedical surveillance data to an unaccountable multinational cabal and then forcibly injecting their populations with experimental drugs in return.


Via Politico:


“A huge global effort to draw up rules around who does what in the event of another pandemic is floundering as memories of COVID-19 fade, raising a real possibility that talks will break down and leave the world as unprepared as it was in 2020.


The pandemic treaty, currently being negotiated through the World Health Organization (WHO), aims to prepare for the next global health emergency and prevent a repeat of what South Africa called ‘vaccine apartheid,’ where countries had vastly unequal access to COVID vaccines and drugs.


It's meant to be a legally binding agreement that commits countries to monitor pandemic threats, beefs up their capacity to respond and sets out what nations would receive in return for sharing information on any disease-causing viruses or bacteria that they discover…


A guiding principle for the agreement is the notion of equity, a concept notably lacking during the COVID-19 pandemic. This idea helped to get low- and middle-income countries on board with the idea of a pandemic treaty in the first place — and it’s now proving to be a red line.”


‘Disease X’ terror takes center stage at Davos

Via World Economic Forum:


“With fresh warnings from the World Health Organization that an unknown “Disease X” could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic, what novel efforts are needed to prepare healthcare systems for the multiple challenges ahead?”


We have a grand total of two possibilities here:


· If “Disease X” already exists and has been identified, reading and waiting to be unleashed on the world, why would the Public Health™ authorities not simply disclose what it is in the public interest?


· If “Disease X” doesn’t yet exist or has not been identified, how can the WEF be so conspicuously, suspiciously certain that it will emerge, and how much deadlier it will be than COVID?


How can anyone — like the Stockholm syndrome victims on their 16th booster — countenance this narrative and not immediately realize the propagandistic nature of these claims?

Anonymous ID: 334d25 Jan. 18, 2024, 8:30 p.m. No.20265737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5800 >>5802 >>6082 >>6194 >>6195 >>6196 >>6201 >>6204 >>6214 >>6215

North Korea tests ‘underwater nuclear weapon system’


Pyongyang said the weapon trial would deter “hostile military maneuvers” by Washington and its allies


North Korea has carried out a test of a newly developed “underwater nuclear weapon system,” the country’s military said, noting the move was a response to joint military drills by the United States, South Korea and Japan.


A military spokesperson announced the test in a statement carried by the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) early on Friday morning, citing “provocative military exercises” held around the Korean peninsula in recent weeks.


“In response, the Underwater Weapon System Institute under the DPRK Academy of Defence Science conducted an important test of its underwater nuclear weapon system ‘Haeil-5-23’ under development in the East Sea of Korea,” the statement said, adding that the test helped to develop Pyongyong’s “underwater nuke-based countering posture.”


The spokesperson went on to denounce “military gangsters” in Washington, Seoul and Tokyo for “seriously threatening the security of the DPRK,” warning of “catastrophic consequences” should they continue their war games in the region.


Pyongyang carried out several similar tests last year, including a “nuclear unmanned underwater attack boat” in March, which it had previously dubbed a “secret weapon.” Unnamed military officials said the naval drone could create a “radioactive tsunami” using underwater explosions and “annihilate enemy ship groups” without detection.


It was not immediately clear whether the latest trial involved a newer model of the same weapon.


Friday’s test came amid rising tensions between the two Koreas, with Seoul conducting a flurry of live-fire war games alongside Washington over the last year despite repeated warnings from the North. The DPRK has responded with its own shows of force, including numerous weapon tests.


Highlighting the growing hostilities, South Korea announced last week that it would scrap a 2018 security pact with Pyongyang which halted military exercises along the North-South border, citing a recent North Korean artillery drill in the area.

Anonymous ID: 334d25 Jan. 18, 2024, 9:55 p.m. No.20265969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6082 >>6194 >>6195 >>6196 >>6201 >>6204 >>6214 >>6215 >>6227

Video: Vladimir Putin Calls Out America’s Rigged 2020 Election


The Russians know a thing or two about rigged elections, because the Democrats' ideological forebearers in the Soviet Union rigged Russian elections for the entire 20th Century.


Russian President Vladimir Putin called out America’s rigged 2020 Presidential Election during a forum on his nation’s own upcoming presidential race, saying that the US election had been rigged through mail-in voting.


“Everything can be rigged, just like the previous US elections were rigged through mail voting,” Putin said.


“It is clear that it was voting by mail [that was used to rig the election]. They bought ballots for $10, filled them in, and without any supervision from observers, they threw them into mailboxes, and that’s it,” he went on.