Anonymous ID: be4eb6 Jan. 19, 2024, 2:16 a.m. No.20266357   🗄️.is 🔗kun

E. Jean Carroll Just Testified To Owning an Illegal Firearm and Ammo in New York State.


Anti-Trump columnist E. Jean Carroll appeared to confess to owning an illegal firearm and ammunition during court proceedings in New York on Wednesday. Carroll – who is demanding more cash from former President Donald J. Trump as a result of his continued denial over her sexual abuse claims – was asked by Trump lawyer Alina Habba: “You have a gun – do you have a license?” “No,” Carroll replied, which appears to be a breach of the law of New York State, where Carroll resides. If Carroll has committed a crime, it ranks as a class E felony in the State of New York, punishable by up to four years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000.

Habba then attempted to press Carroll on her awareness of state laws, to which Judge Kaplan appeared to come to Carroll’s defense, shooting back, “Don’t even start.” Undeterred, Habba continued her line of questioning, asking Carroll if she had bullets for the gun and if she lived in the State of New York. Carroll answered “yes” to both questions. Judge Kaplan’s attempt to shut down Habba’s line of questioning only adds to concerns about the judge’s political bias.

Habba: You have a gun – do you have a license?

Carroll: No.

Habba: Are you aware that you have to have a licence-

Judge Kaplan: Don't even start.

Habba: Do you have bullets for the gun?

Carroll: Yes.

Habba: You live in this state?

Carroll: Yes. — Inner City Press (@innercitypress) January 17, 2024

Anonymous ID: be4eb6 Jan. 19, 2024, 2:18 a.m. No.20266359   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Expert’Ashlee Humphrey: Who Claims Trump Cost E. Jean Carroll $12.1M Admits No Experience in Reputation Management, is Long-Standing Democrat Donor.


Ashlee Humphreys, the reputation repair “expert” who testified on behalf of E. Jean Carroll on Thursday, admitted under cross-examination that she has no “real world” experience in the field. Humphreys, a professor at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, testified that the cost to repair the damage Trump’s alleged defamation caused to Carroll’s reputation could run as high as $12.1 million – a point seized upon by corporate media outlets. But upon questioning from Trump attorney Michael Madaio, Humphreys was forced to admit having no “real world” experience in the field, in an exchange entirely omitted by legacy media news coverage.


Madaio asked, “Have you ever executed a reputation repair program?” with the so-called expert responding, “Never.” Madaio followed up, asking the Northwestern professor: “You have no real-world experience?” Before Humphreys could answer, left-wing Judge Lewis Kaplan interjected, mocking the question, stating: “There was birth, adolescence… those are real-world experiences.”

Madaio: Your estimate has a $10 million spread.

Humphreys: I don't think one time would be enough.

Madaio: Have you ever executed a reputation repair program?

Humphreys: Never.

Madaio: You have no real world experience?

Judge Kaplan: There was birth, adolescence — Inner City Press (@innercitypress) January 18, 2024

The National Pulse can also reveal that Humphreys has a long track record of contributions to Democrat political groups — making numerous donations through “ActBlue,” which facilitated Black Lives Matter funds, and “Swing Left,” with Federal Election Commission records showing her donating history included supporting candidates, as well as political action committee work and projects such as “Stop Republicans.” While under cross-examination, the partisan Democrat professor also acknowledged she had not factored in any positive messages about E. Jean Carroll into her damages estimate. According to Humphreys, her $12.1 million estimate was based on analyzing the number of individuals who encountered former President Trump’s comments through traditional news outlets and social media posts. Judge Lewis Kaplan, presiding over the defamation trial, has injected his own partisan bias into the proceedings numerous times. Before the start of the trial, Kaplan ruled Trump could not challenge Carroll’s claim that the former President raped her in the 1990s. During jury selection, the left-wing judge actively involved himself in screening out any potential jurors who held remotely right-leaning political beliefs. Humphreys also testified in Carroll’s original defamation case against President Trump and was called as an expert in Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s defamation case in Georgia.

While under cross-examination, the partisan Democrat professor also acknowledged she had not factored in any positive messages about E. Jean Carroll into her damages estimate. According to Humphreys, her $12.1 million estimate was based on analyzing the number of individuals who encountered former President Trump’s comments through traditional news outlets and social media posts. Judge Lewis Kaplan, presiding over the defamation trial, has injected his own partisan bias into the proceedings numerous times. Before the start of the trial, Kaplan ruled Trump could not challenge Carroll’s claim that the former President raped her in the 1990s. During jury selection, the left-wing judge actively involved himself in screening out any potential jurors who held remotely right-leaning political beliefs. Humphreys also testified in Carroll’s original defamation case against President Trump and was called as an expert in Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s defamation case in Georgia.





I’m pretty stunned that somehow, we appear to be the first news outlet to notice both the admission of no real-world experience on behalf of Humphreys and, of course, her long history of donating to far-left causes, as documented through the Federal Elections Commission website