You're wrong anon. Check the dates.
Look at Q crumb on 4/20. We are specifically talking about the DNC suing the Campaign and wikileaks.
The more I look at Q's post on 4/20, the angrier I get. We were fed a line.
You're wrong anon. Check the dates.
Look at Q crumb on 4/20. We are specifically talking about the DNC suing the Campaign and wikileaks.
The more I look at Q's post on 4/20, the angrier I get. We were fed a line.
Q never said SR would be finished or resolved in June. It has come out in the news again. I was wrong about the suit that was tossed out. It's not the one started on 4/20.
You might be ok with Awan getting to skate for all the cyber crimes he committed against this country, but others are not. Especially when we were told No Deals! If NSA has it all, then why give him a deal. And please explain why they would exonerate him from all non violent crimes in DC when he was only charged with bank fraud.
I was mistaken. It is not the same lawsuit.
He only said ETA June. What exactly does that mean? The start of an investigation? The start of it unraveling? We can't interpret it to suit our own wants.
Please don't be disappointed in there are no big booms today. I don't feel like there will be. It's a national holiday Not much will happen. I'm giving it until the end of July.
You need to read his plea deal. He can not be charged with any crime in DC. Period. He may not have been cleared but he can't ever be charged with it.
Sounds really fishy, doesn't it.
yeah, I was pissed last night. I want to believe he will still see some form of justice.
A JAGfag sure would help us understand it better.
Of course not anon. But why did the DA absolve him of any crime he could be charged with in DC? It doesn't make any sense.
I don't know of anyone. We had/have anon here who knew lots about UCMJ. Hopefully, he is still around.
Did you read the plea deal? He is exonerated from ALL crimes in DC. Since he worked and did most of those crimes in DC, tell me how he can be prosecuted for them.
Can a tribunal overrule a Federal Judges order?
You are not getting it. I know we don't want him tried in DC for espionage and the other crimes against our country. So, why did a Federal Judge and the DA absolve him from ever being charged with those crimes. And how the fuck did an investigation occur and nothing was found to substantiate the crimes we believe he committed?
read the fucking plea deal.
you really are dense. Does Huber have the power to over ride a Federal Judge?????
Can you read the whole deal? Does it matter he traveled to Paki? NO. He committed those crimes in DC.
what is your point?
neither does anyone on this board.
Are you really this stupid? What computers did he work on? The Congressional office computers. Where were they located? In DC. Where is a person tried for his crimes? In the district they were committed in.
According to the plea deal, he did not commit any crimes other than bank fraud. We have been told he's committed a host of cyber crimes against this government. The investigation revealed the crimes the public accused him of did not exist. How's that for some fuckery?
Then please, enlighten me.
does that also apply to tribunals? Was he even charged with any cyber crimes. We only know he pled guilty to bank fraud.
you're just stupid.
I guess you don't understand laws about venue.
Not if the crimes were committed in DC
Against the law.
fuck off
Yes, I understand that. But you do not seem to understand that he can not be prosecuted outside the district the crimes were committed in.
for God's sake. Read what I have been saying for the last hour. AWAN CAN NOT BE PROSECUTED OUTSIDE THE DISTRICT HE COMMITTED THE CRIMES IN!!!!!!!!!!!