Anonymous ID: 688f7c Jan. 19, 2024, 12:29 p.m. No.20268615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8643

Pic 1 POTUS Truthed Mawkie

Mawkie is, allegedly, highly "educated”, which is why he’s apparently joined the NWO Communists in putting’son every fucking word on which it does NOT belong, which is why, unlike normal typos and mis-spellings, Plurals are now “normally” seen as contractions & possessives, while the latter is now the former.

"Willis IS alleged lover" TWICE? Curious has HASTERT &/OR Franklin Scandal EVER been addressed on tv OR radio?

The Franklin Coverup Scandal The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan WhitehouseOriginally scheduled to air in May of 1994 on the Discovery Channel, "Conspiracy of Silence" was yanked at the last minute due to formidable pressure applied by top politicians.


Pedophilia enabling follows around GOP candidate (sasse) for the U.S. Senate NE Aug 27, 2014 Omaha, of course, is infamous for the so-called "Franklin cover-up," the use of the Franklin Credit Union in the 1980s by a top GOP official named Lawrence King to launder money used for the trafficking of children, including orphans from Boy's Town, for purposes of sexual molestation.The scandal involved the Reagan and Bush White Houses and was aggressively investigated in front-page stories by The Washington Times.

Oh Look! Found an item addressing hastert on RADIO!!!

(Repost to keep this visible): Levin & high hewett circa 2006 re: Foley/Congressional (young boys) Page scandal: TRANSCRIPT  |  TUE, OCT 3, 2006  |  BY HUGH HEWITT National Review contributor and fellow talk show host , Mark Levin on the ridiculous call for Dennis Hastert to step down. hugh hewett: …Mark, your friends over at the seem ready to throw Denny Hastert under the bus. ML:… I think this is really quite preposterous how so many conservatives, whether it is theWashington Timeseditorial page, or Richard Vigueri or others… I mean, this is a guy who obviously was detestable, but Denny Hastert had limited information. … He had no reason to suspect anything more than what he was told. He’s the Speaker of the House, for God’s sakes. …I mean, people below Hastert didn’t tell him. Other pages didn’t tell Hastert. This is idiocy. HH: Have you seen any evidence for the proposition put forward on my blog… that they, the House leadership, got word that a gay member who had a reputation for lusting after young men, and being overly chummy with the page program, had sent inappropriate e-mails? I have not seen that anywhere in evidence.

ML: No, no. I haven’t, either, and this is why what theWashington Times, a paper that I enjoy and respect, was utterly irresponsible. They don’t have enough information. If you go to Hot Line, linked on the Drudge Report, you’ll see the Democrats are exploiting this page, and every other page, and every other issue they can. And I just refuse to roll over for this. I refuse to be part of this. …HH: It does.Now why the Washington Times? What…are they…is this just a false flag to pursue an agenda of a different sort?

ML:…You know, there’s a little problem in Washington, D.C., and that is that every now and then,certain conservatives or conservative outlets want to appear to be acceptable to the big media, and so they go out front and they dump on their friends. The fact of the matter is, yes, conservatives do hold a higher moral ground. But it is not holding the high moral ground to throw people overboard who don’t deserve to be thrown overboard…. HH: Well, Mark Levin, we’re on the same page.We’re both going to go off and do radio shows now, and defend the good, and Hastert.

Ben Sasse and #NeverTrump’s Pedophile Problem

April 27, 2016Judge sentences 'serial child molester' Hastertto 15 months

CHICAGO — Former House speaker Dennis Hastert, who less than a decade ago stood second in line to the presidency, was sentenced to 15 months in federal prison Wednesday for a bank fraud case linked to allegations he sexually abused teen boys … Federal Judge Thomas Durkin called Hastert, 74, a "serial child molester" “I want to apologize to the boys I mistreated,” Hastert said….

There are NO "elections", There is NO Justice, There is NO Truth until the MSM = ALL OF IT - is FIRST taken care of, and this wretched SECURITY GATE COMES DOWN.