The Truth About Human Trafficking Operations on the Southern Border
The Truth About Human Trafficking Operations on the Southern Border
Now convert that energy and funding to feed and clothe the hurting masses.
Because that's some serious resources just to
bump into the firmament which is already known
as the blocker - for a very long time now.
Name calling, apathy, power creep and hubris are telltale signs of……
We Should All Be Grateful That Alex Soros Is An Idiot
Brace yourselves.
He did what any loving and dutiful father would do, he insists. Looking back on ‘that’ day – which he does frequently – Sky Roberts still doesn’t think he missed any signs. He still doesn’t know how he could have done things differently.
Deeper than that even still.
There is a broad path that leads to destruction and many are on it, but there is a narrow road
that leads to life and only a few find it.
Communism is an offshoot tool of Luciferianism.
Satan vs God.
Politics are an offshoot of this ancient battle.
We are the prize.
Choose wisely.
They don't care about race. They just want to
eliminate all who won't be subservient to their
coming antichrist world order.
Bible + their own writings.
The true war already spelled out in that old
book, the Bible, which so many are opposed to.
It even spells out why they are so adamantly
opposed to it and it still holds true through time.