Anonymous ID: 5298f1 Jan. 19, 2024, 4:31 p.m. No.20269814   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukraine strikes kindergarten in Russian city – mayor


At least six people were wounded by NATO-supplied cluster munitions in Gorlovka


Ukrainian artillery struck the city of Gorlovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic shortly after midnight on Saturday, according to Mayor Ivan Prikhodko. A kindergarten and a hotel were among the buildings damaged by the attack, which also disrupted the power supply.


Two civilians were wounded at the ‘Rodina’ hotel, which appears to have caught the brunt of the attack. Videos posted by Prikhodko on Telegram showed bloody footprints and the floor collapsed from the impact of a projectile.


Four more people, including a first responder, suffered injuries elsewhere in the city, Prikhodko added.


Damage was also reported to the ‘Teremok’ kindergarten, several residences on Pushkin Street and a dental clinic. The neighborhood of ‘Kvartal 245’ in the city center was temporarily left without power.


The last major artillery attack on Gorlovka was almost three weeks ago, when one civilian was killed and four more were injured. The Galaktika shopping center was completely destroyed on the occasion.


According to the local authorities, there were two artillery strikes from the Ukrainian-held Dzerzhinsk, about 15 minutes apart, each using half a dozen 155mm shells with cluster warheads. The so-called “double tap” strike is usually intended to cause maximum carnage among medics and rescue workers responding to the initial attack.


Gorlovka is located 50 kilometers north of Donetsk city, in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR). It has been subjected to regular Ukrainian shelling since 2014, when Donetsk and the neighboring Lugansk rejected the US-backed coup in Kiev and declared independence. Both territories were incorporated into Russia in October 2022, along with the Zaporozhye and Kherson Regions.


Russia has repeatedly accused the Ukrainian forces of targeting residential areas with no military significance. Western-provided weapons such as HIMARS rocket artillery launchers and cluster munitions have been used in attacks on Donbass cities and villages, claiming numerous civilian lives.

Anonymous ID: 5298f1 Jan. 19, 2024, 4:33 p.m. No.20269822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9831 >>9841 >>0070 >>0169 >>0337 >>0483 >>0537

Prepare for war with Russia – NATO leader


The bloc’s industry and civilians alike must prepare for an all-out conflict within the next 20 years, a top official has said


The US-led NATO bloc must prepare for a major conflict with Russia, which would require mass mobilization of civilians as well as the rapid expansion of industrial output to sustain the war effort, Dutch Admiral Rob Bauer, the chair of the NATO Military Committee, has said.


The top official made the remarks after a Thursday meeting of NATO defense chiefs in Brussels, urging the bloc to prepare for a major conflict with Moscow within the next 20 years.


“We have to realize it’s not a given that we are in peace. And that’s why we are preparing for a conflict with Russia,” Bauer stated. “It starts there. The realization that not everything is planable and not everything is going to be hunky-dory in the next 20 years.”


The official warned that the potential conflict would require focused effort not only from the NATO militaries themselves but also from the industries and civilians of member states alike.


“You need to be able to fall back on an industrial base that is able to produce weapons and ammunition fast enough to be able to continue a conflict if you are in it,” he said.


We need to be readier across the whole spectrum. You have to have a system in place to find more people if it comes to war, whether it does or not. Then you talk mobilization, reservists, or conscription.


Bauer’s statements come amid a series of warnings from NATO member states of a purportedly imminent conflict between the US-led bloc and Russia. Earlier this week, for instance, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas claimed the alliance has only three to five years to get ready for the possible confrontation.


Speaking to The Times, Kallas warned that the timeframe “very much depends on how we manage our unity and keep our posture regarding Ukraine.” “What Russia wants is a pause, and this pause is to gather its resources and strength. Weakness provokes aggressors, so weakness provokes Russia,” she asserted.


A similar take on the situation was provided by British Defense Minister Grant Shapps, who predicted a larger-scale conflict between the collective West and Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea within five years. The minister urged the allies to ramp up their defense spending, insisting the West is now facing an “existential threat” from the aforementioned countries.

Anonymous ID: 5298f1 Jan. 19, 2024, 4:36 p.m. No.20269840   🗄️.is 🔗kun



On January 19, the Russian Ministry of Defense summed up the interim result of the ongoing military operations in Ukraine. Over the past week, from January 13 to January 19, 2024, Russian forces launched 17 group strikes with high-precision weapons, including hypersonic Kinzhal missile systems, as well as UAVs.


This is less than the number of strikes the week before. According to the official dat, from January 6 to January 12, 2024, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out 23 group strikes. However, the efficiency of Russian attacks remains high, since Ukrainian air defense forces are still unable to cope with the massive strikes of Russian drones and missiles.


According to the official report by the Russian MoD, ”all the assigned targets were hit”,


As a result of the Russian strikes, ”enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine that carried out repairs of weapons and military equipment, manufactured ammunition, gunpowder, reconnaissance and attack UAVs were hit.” More targets included the locations of the Ukrainian units, military formations of foreign mercenaries and nationalists.


The Ukrainian military suffered more losses during the battles on the frontlines, where Russian forces are holding the military initiative in all directions.


During the week, 21 Ukrainian servicemen surrendered. Most of them (14 servicemen) surrendered in the South Donetsk direction.