Anonymous ID: 57068b Jan. 20, 2024, 11:38 a.m. No.20273776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3823 >>4073 >>4278 >>4335 >>4378 >>4457 >>4466 >>4496 >>4503

Thousands Protest Across Israel Against Netanyahu's Government


Thousands participate at a demonstration in Tel Aviv's Habima Square, calling for the immediate dissolution of the Knesset and the announcement of elections.


Noam Alon, the sister of Capt. Dor Sade who was killed on October 7, said at the demonstration: "Our grandfather, Yitzhak, was a combat medic in the armored corps, and was killed in the Yom Kippur War. Exactly 50 years have passed, and again a surprise, again avoiding responsibility, again 'we didn't know,' again, 'we were not told'. The values that led Dor and my grandfather, the values on which this country was built, were abandoned. These were replaced by political survival, bickering, and incitement. But this is not our fate, we have the power to change and fix it. This government needs to go home now."

Anonymous ID: 57068b Jan. 20, 2024, 11:41 a.m. No.20273785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3795 >>3807 >>3833 >>3868 >>3961 >>4073 >>4133 >>4278 >>4378 >>4466 >>4496 >>4503

Explosive Claims Have Emerged Suggesting That the World Economic Forum Intended for the COVID-19 Vaccines To Cause Harm


"DNA IS IN THE VACCINES." 40 Trillion spikes in every shot! Dr. Chris Shoemaker.


In a startling revelation, it's been disclosed that the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) held patents related to these vaccines as early as 2016, absolving former President Trump of responsibility and implying that the DoD deceived him.


Reports indicate that vaccinated individuals are suffering from significantly overburdened hearts, leading to severe health complications. Startlingly, New Zealand witnessed fatal clusters where 100% of the vaccinated individuals within certain groups died within just a two-hour window.


There's been an alarming increase, nearly 50%, in the stress placed on heart cells post-vaccination, a condition persisting for an extended six-month period. This has reportedly led to a surge in sudden, unexplained deaths, with the alarming data supported by peer-reviewed studies.


The development of these controversial vaccines is now linked to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Department of Defense. Furthermore, a shocking 33% of the substances used in these COVID vaccines are purported to be DNA-altering elements, having permanent effects on the bodies of those inoculated

Anonymous ID: 57068b Jan. 20, 2024, 11:45 a.m. No.20273794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4073 >>4278 >>4378 >>4466 >>4496 >>4503

Ghislaine Maxwell renews ties with Chabad Lubavitch


Ghislaine Maxwell allegedly getting prison perks after declaring herself Jewish

Her father, Robert Maxwell, was raised by Orthodox Jewish parents


Ghislaine Maxwell, the convicted former accomplice of Jeffrey Epstein, is reportedly taking advantage of special treatment reserved for Jewish prisoners while incarcerated in federal prison.


According to the Sun on Sunday, Maxwell, who is serving a 20-year sentence for sex trafficking, was approached by a Jewish group that advocates for prisoners' rights informing her that they were prepared to offer her assistance.


The group, Reaching Out which is based in New York, are, according to their official website, followers of the Lubavitch Rebbe. The group's stated aim is to "help Jewish prisoners cope with the fears and anxieties prior to going to jail and the obstacles and hurdles while in prison."


A spokesperson for the group told The Sun on Sunday: “Maxwell is in touch with our organisation.


“We have and will continue to address her needs.”


Jewish inmates in federal prisons are entitled to kosher food, time off for Shabbat and access to a rabbi for counselling purposes as well as grape juice and bread for prayers.


Jewish groups in several US states have successfully sued in local courts for the right to kosher meals, which are often significantly more expensive than regular prison fare. A 2014 lawsuit in Florida, the state where Maxwell is serving her sentence, alleged that the cost of kosher food for Jewish inmates was $7 (£5) a day, compared to just $1.54 (£1.10) for non kosher.


Maxwell is the daughter of British press baron Robert Maxwell, who was raised in what is now Ukraine by Orthodox Jewish parents. Robert, who grew up speaking Yiddish, rose to become a powerful media mogul, owning the Mirror Group of newspapers until his death in 1991.


In 1964, when he became the Labour MP for Buckingham, he wrote to the JC, which had referred to him as Jewish, to say he was now “a member of the Church of England”.


Asked by the JC in 1986 if he considered himself Jewish, Robert, whose mother died in Auschwitz, responded: “I don’t believe in any church, just God.” But in 1988 he said: “I certainly do consider myself Jewish. I was born Jewish and shall die Jewish.”


Robert Maxwell is buried on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem and his funeral was attended by leading Israeli politicians including then Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, then President Chaim Herzog and Natan Sharansky.

Anonymous ID: 57068b Jan. 20, 2024, 11:48 a.m. No.20273805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4073 >>4278 >>4378 >>4466 >>4496 >>4503

Every U.S. Senator Has Taken AIPAC Money


You don’t hear any objections from the U.S. Senate regarding whatever Israel does, no matter how outrageous.


Nothing new about that. Senator William Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stated on Face the Nation in 1973: Israel controls the U.S. Senate. Anything Israel wants, Israel gets. In brief, Israel owns the Senate. Follow the money. See link below.


The U.S. Senate has been bought and paid for by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which is a front organization. AIPAC should logically be registered as a foreign agent, a lobbying agent for a foreign government. Arguably, it is the most powerful lobby in Washington.


It should not be allowed to funnel money to Washington officials who are in charge of U.S. foreign policy. These officials turn around and write a check every year in “foreign aid” to Israel totaling billions of dollars, not including military hardware. It’s a circular arrangement, a racket.

Anonymous ID: 57068b Jan. 20, 2024, 12:01 p.m. No.20273856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3877 >>3981 >>4073 >>4278 >>4378 >>4466 >>4496 >>4503

The Indoctrination Of Our Children Into Satanism And The LGBT Agenda By Disney And 'Hellywood' Reaches Abhorrent New Depths As They Launch Slew Of New Movies Demonizing God


"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20


It was bad enough when the TV series 'Lucifer' turned the Devil into a crime fighting agent of good, who had tired of Hell and decides to open a night club in LA, and subsequently working as a police consultant, but Disney and Hollywood are taking things a step further.


Disney had already been on our radar with more "children's" shows pushing the LGBT issues, with one Executive Producer admitting to a "gay agenda," stating that she was "adding queerness" whenever she could.


“In my little pocket of Proud Family Disney TVA, the showrunners were super welcoming . . . to my not-at-all-secret gay agenda,” she said. “Maybe it was that way in the past, but I guess something must have happened . . . and then like all that momentum that I felt, that sense of ‘I don’t have to be afraid to have these two characters kiss in the background.’ I was just, wherever I could, adding queerness. . . . No one would stop me, and no one was trying to stop me.”

A couple of other headlines that show who and what Disney has become in relation to the LGBT agenda.


• I’m quitting Disney after seeing it boast about pushing ‘gender theory’


• Disney promises LGBT 'commitment': 'We want to represent our audience'


Representing their audience? Their audience mostly consists of children. While Democrats do have children, they're also the party of unborn baby killers, so the majority of Disney's audience are children of conservative parents, so they are not representing their audience, they are trying to groom children into becoming part of the LGBT community.


More about Disney pushing gender theory onto children from the link above:


Rufo said a number of Disney employees told him “the company has totally gone off the rails. From critical race theory to gender ideology, executives are pushing extreme left-wing activism in every facet of the company, from erasing the words ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ from its theme parks to tracking ‘canonical trans characters’ in its children’s programs.”

Hollywood too has been pushing the "woke" agenda for quite some time now, but there is a new darker theme both Disney and Hollywood are pushing these days.


Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, whatever name one wants to call him…is no longer being represented as evil.

Anonymous ID: 57068b Jan. 20, 2024, 12:13 p.m. No.20273909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3921 >>4073 >>4278 >>4378 >>4466 >>4496 >>4503

Slovakian PM Fico: Will Veto Ukrainian NATO Membership Bid, No More Military Aid to Kiev – Supports Hungary’s Orbán Against EU Pressure


The new Slovakian Prime Minister, Robert Fico, has publicly confirmed what he had been saying since his campaign: he will not follow the previous government’s policies towards Ukraine.


In fact, Fico has now vowed to thwart Kiev’s plans in a number of ways, from vetoing their NATO membership, to stopping all military aid, up until joining Hungary’s blockage of EU’s €50 billion package.


Since MSM is asleep at the wheel, we went to find this story in Azeri and Ukrainian news sources.


EN reported:

“Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico said that at a meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart Denis Shmygal, which will take place on January 24 in Uzhgorod, he will announce that he will block Ukraine’s membership in NATO since this would mean the beginning of the Third World War, APA reports citing Political Lore.

Anonymous ID: 57068b Jan. 20, 2024, 12:18 p.m. No.20273933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4073 >>4278 >>4378 >>4466 >>4496 >>4503

Judicial Watch Sues Defense Department for Details of Alleged Conversation between CIA Employees Seeking to ‘Get Rid’ of then-President Trump


Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense for reports submitted by a military officer to his superiors regarding an alleged conversation around January 2017 between CIA analysts Eric Ciaramella and Sean Misko about trying to “get rid” of then-President Trump (Judicial Watch Inc. v. U.S. Department of Defense (No. 1:24-cv-00068)).


Judicial Watch sued after the Defense Department failed to respond to a January 14, 2022, FOIA request for:


Any and all reports submitted by a US military officer assigned to the National Security Council to his superiors relating to a conversation he overheard circa January 2017 at an “all-hands” NSC staff meeting between CIA analysts Eric Ciaramella and Sean Misko regarding trying to “get rid” of then-President Trump, as discussed in a January 22, 2020 Real Clear Investigations article available at this link.

Any and all records relating to any investigations conducted by the Department of Defense and/or its sub-agencies and departments into the alleged conversation between Misko and Ciaramella referenced above, including but not limited to investigative reports and witness statements.

All emails and communications sent to and from members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff regarding the alleged conversation between Misko and Ciaramella and any related investigations.

The Real Clear Investigations article reported:


Barely two weeks after Donald Trump took office, Eric Ciaramella – the CIA analyst whose name was recently linked in a tweet by the president and mentioned by lawmakers as the anonymous “whistleblower” who touched off Trump’s impeachment – was overheard in the White House discussing with another staffer how to remove the newly elected president from office, according to former colleagues.


Sources told RealClearInvestigations the staffer with whom Ciaramella was speaking was Sean Misko. Both were Obama administration holdovers working in the Trump White House on foreign policy and national security issues. And both expressed anger over Trump’s new “America First” foreign policy, a sea change from President Obama’s approach to international affairs.


At a meeting of National Security Council employees two weeks into the Trump administration, the unidentified military staffer, who was seated directly in front of Ciaramella and Misko, confirmed hearing them talk about toppling Trump.


“After Flynn briefed [the staff] about what ‘America First’ foreign policy means, Ciaramella turned to Misko and commented, ‘We need to take him out,’ ” the staffer recalled. “And Misko replied, ‘Yeah, we need to do everything we can to take out the president.’”


Added the military detailee, who spoke on condition of anonymity: “By ‘taking him out,’ they meant removing him from office by any means necessary. They were triggered by Trump’s and Flynn’s vision for the world. This was the first ‘all hands’ [staff meeting] where they got to see Trump’s national security team, and they were huffing and puffing throughout the briefing any time Flynn said something they didn’t like about ‘America First.’”


He said he also overheard Ciaramella telling Misko, referring to Trump, “We can’t let him enact this foreign policy.”


Alarmed by their conversation, the military staffer immediately reported what he heard to his superiors.


“It was so shocking that they were so blatant and outspoken about their opinion,” he recalled. “They weren’t shouting it, but they didn’t seem to feel the need to hide it.”

Anonymous ID: 57068b Jan. 20, 2024, 12:30 p.m. No.20273978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4073 >>4278 >>4378 >>4466 >>4496 >>4503

UK Chief Rabbi Blesses War Crimes in Gaza


Britain’s chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, spoke at a public event at a synagogue earlier this month to extol the “outstanding” performance of the Israeli military in Gaza. He did so days before South Africa began to argue before the International Court of Justice in The Hague that Israel is committing genocide in the enclave.


Whether Israel is eventually found to be perpetrating genocide may prove more a political decision than a legal verdict, given the pressures on the 15 judges from their respective national leaderships.


But it is indisputable that Israel has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza. It is known to have killed more than 23,000 Palestinians, most of them women and children, and seriously wounded tens of thousands more. It has driven from their homes the overwhelming majority of the enclave’s population of 2.3 million — that is, Israel has ethnically cleansed them.


Israel has repeatedly bombed the “safe zones” to which it has ordered civilians to flee, as well as critical infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, mosques, churches and bakeries. It has imposed a “complete siege” that is denying food, aid and medicine, leading to mass starvation and the spread of lethal disease.


Video footage has shown Israeli soldiers in Gaza gleefully smashing up shops; stripping Palestinian men and boys to their underwear; and shooting civilians, including women, in the street as they carry white flags. Soldiers even executed three of Israel’s hostages trying to escape captivity and surrender with an SOS sign.


Yet Britain’s chief rabbi, the face of Judaism in the U.K., has raised his voice to call all of this “the most outstanding possible thing.” He has gone further: he has described the troops committing these crimes “our heroic soldiers” and revealed that his own son, Danny, is assisting with the attack on Gaza in the Israeli military. He has said he is “immensely proud” of him.


Mirvis could have chosen a form of weaselly words of the kind Israel’s apologists more typically deploy. He could have argued that the Israeli military was carrying out its task in Gaza as best as it could in near-impossible circumstances. That the Palestinians killed in Gaza were unfortunate collateral damage as the Israeli military sought to eradicate Hamas.


But he didn’t. He called the undoubted war crimes being carried out over the past three months “the most outstanding thing.”


There are several points to note about his remarks:


  1. For any public figure, Jewish or otherwise, to call atrocities committed by the foreign power of Israel “outstanding” reflects a worldview that utterly dehumanizes Palestinians and is ready to incite war crimes against them. Even were The Hague court not to rule that genocide is taking place, Mirvis has clearly incited to crimes against humanity.


  1. As the effective head of British Judaism, Mirvis is giving religious sanction to the carrying out of war crimes. Many of the soldiers in Gaza — a significant proportion of them religious — will now have reason to believe that the crimes they and their army have been committing over the past three months are blessed, that their mission is divinely ordained. In short, Mirvis has implied that killing Palestinians is God’s work.

Anonymous ID: 57068b Jan. 20, 2024, 12:36 p.m. No.20274002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4073 >>4180 >>4278 >>4378 >>4466 >>4496 >>4503

Health minister issues directive barring treatment of Gazans in Israeli hospitals


Health Minister Uriel Busso orders Health Ministry director-general Moshe Bar Siman-Tov this morning to immediately cancel instructions issued yesterday by defense officials allowing the treatment of Gazans and individuals from Lebanon in Israeli hospitals.


Busso says that the policy of allowing treatment of Gazan terrorists, and others from combat areas brought into the country by the IDF, only in IDF medical facilities has not changed.


The minister claims that the instructions issued by the defense establishment yesterday were sent to hospital administrators without his knowledge or approval and that no formal discussion occurred between him, Health Ministry staff and defense representatives.


Busso directed Bar Siman-Tov today to inform defense officials that any requests for changes to the policy that has been in place since soon after October 7 must be brought to him and be considered in serious, professional deliberations under his auspices.

Anonymous ID: 57068b Jan. 20, 2024, 12:42 p.m. No.20274021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4073 >>4278 >>4378 >>4466 >>4496 >>4503

Abkhaz Foreign Ministry: aggression on Damascus is violation of international law and human values


The Republic of Abkhazia condemned Israel’s aggression on a residential building in Damascus on Saturday morning.


“The Israeli aggression on a residential building near the Abkhaz Embassy in Damascus was contrary to international law and human values”, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia, Inal Ardzinba said in a statement.


He added that the lives of diplomats who sincerely do their work are in danger, and such actions destroy the bases of international security and relations as we categorically condemn them.


The Abkhaz Minister expressed his country’s support for Syria, offering condolences to the families of the martyrs.

Anonymous ID: 57068b Jan. 20, 2024, 1:03 p.m. No.20274090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4278 >>4378 >>4466 >>4496 >>4503

The caravan to Israel – journalist jaunts, political passengers, diplomatic dispatches and jobs lost


With reports of workers in media, government, business, academia and medicine coming under pressure from the Israel war lobby – some losing their jobs – Jommy Tee examines the power of the Zionist lobby groups.


Jommy Tee examines the power of the Zionist lobby groups.


Israel’s disproportionate killing of approximately 25,000 men, women and children in Gaza in response to the October 7 attacks by Hamas has been conducted under the guise of self-defence, and treated with kid gloves by Australia’s political leadership and the mainstream media.


The Israeli government’s annihilation of swathes of Gaza – currently the subject of genocide proceedings in the International Court of Justice – and the media’s framing of those actions has brought dissension within Australia’s journalistic ranks, leading to the sacking and resignation of scribes.


The most controversial departure is the recent sacking of journalist Antoinette Lattouf by the ABC following complaints to Ita Buttrose by the Lawyers for Israel lobby; but in the ABC alone, a number of top journalists have left due to coverage of the conflict, namely Helen Tzarimus, Tracey Holmes and Nour Haydar.


Should we be surprised by the national political timidity and mainstream media slant?


In the context of a concerted four decades-long lobbying campaign by pro-Israel groups seeking to influence Australia’s media and politicians, then the answer is ‘probably not’.


Journalistic jaunts, political pilgrimages, diplomatic drives and behind-closed-door wheedling have been the modus operandi since 1983 for pro-Israel lobby groups.


Strategies utilised by the Israel lobby have included sponsored travel to Israel for journalists and politicians alike, back channel private diplomatic initiatives, and old-fashioned hectoring of politicians and media institutions, especially publicly funded bodies such as the ABC and SBS.


MWM has previously highlighted how, over decades, the grand poobah of pro-Israeli lobbying, Mark Leibler, plied his backroom cajolery.

Anonymous ID: 57068b Jan. 20, 2024, 1:19 p.m. No.20274123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4278 >>4378 >>4466 >>4496 >>4503

Advocates Outraged That Feds Asked Banks To Search Customers' 'Religious Texts' Purchases


Faith leaders and religious liberty advocates are up in arms over news that the federal government encouraged banks and other financial institutions to search customers’ private accounts using the search term “religious texts.”


The “religious texts” search term was among those federal officials asked financial institutions to use following the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol, a congressional source with direct knowledge confirmed to The Epoch Times on Jan. 18.


Other terms that banks, credit card companies, and financial firms were asked to use in the searches included “MAGA” and “Trump,” according to the House Judiciary Committee. Federal officials at the Department of Justice and the Treasury Department sought the data from such searches as part of their investigation of the events of Jan. 6, 2021.


Religious liberty advocates interviewed by The Epoch Times were unanimous in condemning the searches, which were conducted without judicially authorized search warrants.


“This is beyond alarming,” Family Research Council President Tony Perkins told The Epoch Times. “If we did a word search in history of the type of activities the Biden administration is engaged in, it would return words like ‘KGB,’ ’totalitarian,‘ ’repressive,’ ‘anti-democratic,’ and ‘grave threat to freedom.’”


Family Research Council is a Washington-based nonprofit advocacy group that works on behalf of traditional values, including and especially defense of the family and religious freedom.


“The last place you would anticipate this kind of government intrusion into freedom of speech is America and yet it is rife with this administration and with the ‘deep state,’” Liberty Counsel founder and Chairman Mat Staver told The Epoch Times.


“It is a very serious concern and it should be a serious concern, no matter your political beliefs because if this is permitted, then it just depends on who is in power. This is what despotic governments do to suppress people that they don’t agree with,” he said.


Mr. Staver’s organization, Liberty Counsel, is an Orlando, Florida-based nonprofit religious liberty defense foundation.


‘Mockery of Our Laws’

Kelly Shackelford, president, CEO, and chief counsel for the Plano, Texas-based First Liberty Institute, told The Epoch Times the searches exposed by the House panel represent a threat to religious freedom.


“It’s outrageous and frankly chilling that the federal government may be urging banks to monitor Americans for exercising their religious freedom by simply purchasing a Bible or other religious text,” Mr. Shackelford said.