Literally every 'finger pointing' hoax from the cult is imploding at this point.
Q+ is fully insulated, all these sham attacks from the Soros crime family (and others) are to trick the people into praxis rituals of politicized civilian life and 'see' the hoaxers as moral and legal authorities.
The world is witnessing the dismantling of the Old Guard in real time.
The loudest 'accusers' against Q+ are themselves committing the very same crimes and 'sins' they themselves previously stated were criminal, 'unforgiveable', 'shameful' and 'insurrectionist' and 'against our democracy'.
Q team has done it. They have the cult 100% FOCUSED on 'attacking' the very ideas IN MOTION the fine planners (3 years) have spent to INTENTIONALLY TRAP the cult into focusing their attacks on Q+, which ultimately is a certain government role with certain information access privileges, highest classification conceivable, i.e. the information set contains the very incriminating evidence deterministically demonstrating the accusers against Q+ are the very ones guilty of the crimes they falsely accuse Q+ of doing to distract the world away from the accuser's own 'war posturing' and feeding off humanity for the sake of their own money and power, a "higher loYalty" praxis / philosophy.
The world is awakened to this pattern.
They are going after Q+ because Q+ is about to open up pandoras box with Q clearance information ABOUT the cult.
The cult are trying to get to 'us' but Q intel on them being made 'known' with introductions of controlled information to the public would prevent their plan from succeeding, so they're going after Q+ so that they can then 'get' to you and I, and our children, who they don't even see the way you and I see them.
But they have a huge problem. Since their entire SUPPORT rests on secretive criminal behavior, using government 'intelligence' as a COVER to prevent the public from knowing what that very same intelligence to praxis government supposedly 'elected', but the world saw what happens when their plans don't go the way they want (2016).
The whole plan was to make it both INFORMED/INGESTED by the world first, informationally, and then the praxis with Q+ POTUS 2024, again just a role to permit a legal introduction into the world on the criminal and treasonous acts of the very accusers going against Q+