Using file name United_HK_IDEN_T3902.png
I searched for '"T3902" United airlines"'
Limited results.
https://www.scribd . com/document/250568577/122013plaintiffs-Motion-for-a-Continuance-to-Permit-Discoverypdf
Searched the document for "T3902".
Which resulted in finding "Treasury, Doc. No. 23-1" in same sentence as "T3902".
Searched for "Treasury, Doc. No. 23-1"
Lots of results.
https://www.hsgac.senate . gov/imo/media/doc/2018-06-06%20PSI%20Majority%20Staff%20Report.pdf
"Review of U.S. Treasury Department’s License to Convert Iranian Assets Using the U.S. Financial System"
Treasury Directive 23-01
https://www.treasury . gov/about/role-of-treasury/orders-directives/Pages/td23-01.aspx
Has nothing to do with the identity of an airplane.
Fuzzy logic operating.
Did this person make the Iran Nuclear deal in HK for Obama/Cabal?