you bloody basterd
country has been lost since establishment of Federal Reserve in 1913, and arguably before that.
we now have the opportunity to take back the country by peaceful means by waking population here up, and also worldwide
that is our mission
>demoralization fbi
shouldn't be this way
> American mixed-race friend
why would it be a problem to bring him here?
lots of free thinkers; only some racists
if he/she is a patriot, why worry?
united we defeat the evil puppeteers behind the politicians, and the WEF, and theโฆ
โฆand get our freedom from this slave system for ourselves and our progeny
there are more than enough resources on the planet for all to live a good standard of living
actions: talk to friends and family and acquaintances about real freedom
don't be the cattle they think we are
raise the conciousness
be best in thoughts and actions
be positive; be the change you want to see in the outside world