Anonymous ID: 04371a Jan. 21, 2024, 2:54 p.m. No.20279372   🗄️.is đź”—kun

NAME OF GOD. Secret Meaning of

(angry photographer; hebrew alphabet deity spelling; breathe of life)


images from left to right




ref also prev. vid (breath)


sequence of hebrew deity spelling

(fish-man-fish-cross on top of oval)

when an infant is born, beginning of sequence


fish: lungs are filled with fluid (inhale)

man: momentary (pause)

fish: fluid is expelled from the lungs (exhale)

(no longer the fish, initiation of the infants cycle of human, oval/cycle detailed below)


-cross is over the oval, implying the ability to measure and manage the oval

-oval has directional input and output marked, pointing toward the cross, implying management of flow


cross: the start of a circular / radial cartesian plane (radar/sonar displays)

oval: represents a cycle, marked by the rise and fall, peak & trough of a sin(e) wave

(wheel, within wheel, within wheel, etc… each surrounded with eyes. ex. eye per 30 degrees, individual perspectives)


the cross(es)

the x axis and y axis of a cartesian plane


each of these (ovals) can have a cartesian plane applied equatorially






with the tool of the cross and a whole(ly) as an oval,

cyclic catastrophic events for humanity can be located, measured and predicted.

(like the floods 12k-13k years ago)

as well as lesser events / influences.

(self & other management, biology & psychology, etc)


from the breath (circle/cycle/spiral/etc)

the geometric structure of four languages is formed

from them, four texts/books are created

of which the geometry may be the metaphorical key

to gain the information within each

that speaks on (at minimum) 3 principles:

-growing humanity

-managing humanity

-protecting humanity


a story on how to use the cross and oval:

jesus, as a body, a whole(ly) (also whole(ly), day, planet, moon, star, galaxy, etc)

anchored to a cross (measured & managed)

cross anchored to earth a whole(ly) as well

with 3 nails (triangulation)

2 nails for the offset, equal, opposite hands (peak and trough of sin(e) wave)

1 nail for two feet aligned

(walking a straight line, one foot in front of the other, 0 line, which equilibrium surrounds coaxially)

note: angle for spear of destiny in relation to the x/y axis



image-book of numbers

an example of what can be extracted from a story, in a linear fashion.

just add circle/cycle/spiral/oval… then overlay a cross.

other stories of these family members fill in details for each part of the structure (ea. 30 degrees).


study target hint: when god 'speaks'



image-painting / icon


-halo, 3 points (nails)


-primary axis of what is being measured with compass

-location/state of left foot (in) & right foot (out), shape of path created


the halo, in stories and old paintings

a symbol of en'light'en'ment'


note: red blob in large circle, compare w/ angle for spear of destiny



image-genesis chp 1;1-13

mapping of adjectives in sequence between two creation stories, genesis & greek mythology


how hermes navigates the interactions of family members with deviated psychology without suffering ill affect.

cognitive instruction manual of sorts. cross nailed to oval also applies.



image-seasons, degrees, time, constellation, brain

personal compass

rise(peak) and fall(trough) of the various principles of cognition.


l-hemisphere: 3am -3pm: reductive

r-hemisphere: 3pm -3am: expansive



-shape(s) that defines an axis in this image, the prev. image with individual measuring with compass and oval (cross) hieroglyph

-how valentine's day is 3/14



the angles permeate existence (beneficially(gold) and detrimentally(lead)).

coincidences approaching destination.

Anonymous ID: 04371a Jan. 21, 2024, 3:04 p.m. No.20279410   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9412 >>9528

Hu (man)


Hu (vessel)

"A hu is a type of wine vessel that has a pear-shaped cross-section. Its body swells and flares into a narrow neck, creating S-shaped profile."


"Many extant hu lack lids while those excavated in such tombs as Fu Hao's indicate that this type of vessel might be originally made with lids."


"In addition, hu often came to be found in a pair or in a set together with other types of vessels."


"the hu vessel might be placed in the grave of an ancestor as part of ritual in order to ensure a good relationship with ancestor's spirit."

Anonymous ID: 04371a Jan. 21, 2024, 3:15 p.m. No.20279440   🗄️.is đź”—kun

paths of potential resolution


potential difference.

high potential likes to flow to low potential.

a thought and a visualization are also potentials.

connect an emotion to it and it becomes a high potential.


a thought and a visualization are also a pattern of attributes.

the attributes being what defines the pattern.

these are also the points of potential resolution.


make a thought or visualization with its attached emotion and carry it into sleep.

where does it go?

how does it get resolved?


do this enough and it can then be done while awake.

what if something/one external was attempting to respond?

would the brain use your voice to present the message?


center to center to center…

the connected centers of each individual praying a single pattern.

prayer works.

Anonymous ID: 04371a Jan. 21, 2024, 3:21 p.m. No.20279469   🗄️.is đź”—kun

after a bit of time traveling… realized…


a 12 inch rule around a 12 hour clock.

is one of the requirements for time travel.

it permits the conversion of:

-time into travel

-travel into time


and tomorrow was not yesterday…

…end of the tape measure prolly just twisting about..

Anonymous ID: 04371a Jan. 21, 2024, 3:38 p.m. No.20279557   🗄️.is đź”—kun

night time.

frequency of distraction lowers.

frequencies of the mind also lower.

opening the door to the possibility of

resonance, entanglement with equal and greater.


resonance with many paint brushes.