Anonymous ID: 9aea30 Jan. 21, 2024, 2:28 p.m. No.20279236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9243 >>9315 >>9321 >>9387 >>9597

He’s right you know

DeSantis Out


January 21, 2024 | Sundance |

Ron DeSantis has dropped out of the 2024 Republican primary.


The career diminished Florida Governor is trying to save face and has endorsed Donald Trump. The announcement comes at 02:20 of the video below. WATCH:


The next few days will be fraught with demands to unite the clans. However, please remember the proven and demonstrably accurate axiom:Never Trust a Never Trumper.


The Ron DeSantis campaign was built upon a foundation of fraud. Long planned as an effort to destroy the threat that MAGA represents to the Republican apparatus, nothing about the DeSantis campaign was grassroots, authentic, natural or real. The Sea Island organized campaign was a specific and detailed approach driven by the professional political class.Ron DeSantis was a vessel, a willing vessel, for the deliberate schemes and Machiavellian intents of the worst elements in USA Republican politics.


WE CANNOT UNITE with that group. Think about it.


Supporters of Ron DeSantis either knew of the Never Trump intents, or they were not smart enough to see the supernova flares of manipulation that were triggered from the outset. Either way, cunning or stupid, I do not want to camp with them. It is what it is.


Take the endorsement and carry on.


Ron and Casey will be divorced within two years.

Anonymous ID: 9aea30 Jan. 21, 2024, 3:11 p.m. No.20279429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9513 >>9522 >>9546 >>9597 >>9598 >>9770 >>9810 >>9827

Supreme Court Looks Set to Reform Governing, End 40-Year ‘Constitutional Revolution’


Jon DoughertyJanuary 21, 2024

The U.S. Supreme Court heard two cases last week that could mark the end of what observers have described as a four-decade “constitutional revolution” that began during the Reagan administration.


Specifically, decisions in the cases could substantially change how federal agencies are permitted to interpret laws passed by Congress by dramatically reigning in their ability to issue rules that have the binding effect of legislation.


According to Thomas M. Boyd, a former US assistant attorney general who served under President Ronald Reagan, Justice John Paul Stephens wrote an opinion in the case of Chevron U.S.A. v. National Resources Defense Council in 1984, midway through Reagan’s two terms, which started what legal scholar Gary Lawson would later describe as “nothing less than a bloodless constitutional revolution.”


The ruling fundamentally changed the way federal agencies could interpret laws they considered to be “ambiguous.” Following this decision, subsequent presidential administrations utilized it to enforce policies that effectively functioned as laws, often deviating from the exact wording of the legislation passed by Congress.


But now, Boyd noted in a column for the New York Post, “At long last, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court will hear two cases that may signal the beginning of the end to that revolution.”


Boyd noted that Article I of the Constitution says explicitly, “All legislative power herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States”—not federal regulatory agencies.


However, he adds, Justice Stephens’ opinion found that “agenc[ies] may . . . properly rely upon the incumbent administration’s views of wise policy” in “reasonably” defining statutory ambiguities.


In simpler terms, Stephens believed that the Executive Branch, including presidents and their appointees, had the power to determine the specific interpretations of certain aspects of laws enacted by the Legislative Branch.


That, Boyd noted, was at the center of the Chevron decision and became known as the “Chevron defense, leading President Ronald Reagan’s White House counsel, Peter Wallison, to describe it as “the single most important reason the administrative state has continued to grow out of control.”


Boyd writes: “Forty years of regulatory and judicial tumult have ensued, finally crescendoing to a point that has compelled the Supreme Court to intervene.


Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, from the District of Columbia Circuit, and Relentless v. Department of Commerce, from the First Circuit, are now before the court. Both are companies that fish for herring in New England and are family-owned and operated, and both are subject to the Magnuson-Stevens Act, which governs fishery management in federal waters. The act allowed the National Marine Fisheries Service to require herring boats, relatively small vessels that normally carry only five to six people, to also carry federal monitors to enforce its regulations.”


It gets worse.


The former Reagan assistant attorney general mentioned that the agency,without explicit statutory authorization, proceeded to require Loper Bright and Relentless to bear the expenses for the salaries of these monitors. The NMFS estimated these costs at $710 per day, at times exceeding the income generated from a day’s fishing.


Both federal circuit courts ruled that statutory silence on the matter was an “ambiguity” that required the application of the Chevron deference.


But when the Supreme Court accepted certiorari in both cases, justices proposed a two-part question that litigants would be required to address: “Whether the Court should overrule Chevron or at least clarify that statutory silence concerning controversial powers expressly but narrowly granted elsewhere in the statute does not constitute an ambiguity requiring deference to the agency.”


Boyd noted that some of the court’s current justices—constitutional originalists, in fact—have indicated in previous opinions how they view the matter.


Several have indicated suspicion in allowing federal agencies — and, by definition, the Executive Branch in general— too much leeway in the interpretation of laws, giving them nearly limitless power in governing, Boyd noted.




(I know one thing, is the SC doesn’t take cases based on urgency and if you view the past, they are in some cases politically charged.)

Anonymous ID: 9aea30 Jan. 21, 2024, 3:33 p.m. No.20279538   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I just watched Gaetz NH speech, it was great, he really connects with the voters.


He said at the end he wanted tofree the J6 detainees, and Republican leadership told him not to talk about it because it doesn’t poll well for Republicans


Thats how loyal those assholes are!

Anonymous ID: 9aea30 Jan. 21, 2024, 3:38 p.m. No.20279559   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, he and Trump get along great, and he is truly a Godly man that doesn’t connive or betray. Don Jr thinks hes too nice, I disagree, he has incredible intelligence, strenghth and courage and he is not bothered by the little things. Additionally Trump protected him in 2016 by revealing Cruz’s treachery to kick Carson out. Trump made a real friend for life!

Anonymous ID: 9aea30 Jan. 21, 2024, 3:49 p.m. No.20279614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9627


I’m not a lawfag but of course its important every agency like FDA, CDC, EPA cannot rule and make laws to penalize people only Congress. Think how Obama made a puddle of water on someone property “waters of America” and seized their land by eminent domain. Believe me its the most important ruling besides Roe vs Wade overturn, in our lifetime. Leftists Presidents use the illegal agencies to do anything they want to American. Bundy issue was initiated by them.

Anonymous ID: 9aea30 Jan. 21, 2024, 4:08 p.m. No.20279731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9770 >>9782 >>9810 >>9827



Update: Brand new SC poll shovels dirt on Nikki Haley’s grave right after two NH polls sounded her death knell…

January 21, 2024 (19 hours ago)


Nikki Haley went from an abysmal 3rd place finish in Iowa, to more bad news in New Hampshire. Revolver recently covered the impending disaster in the Granite state.


Two brand spanking new polls out of New Hampshire are very bad news for Nikki Haley, aka Birdbrain, aka Nikki New Taxes, aka Nikki da Neocon. As it turns out, the Coalition of the Lukewarm (heavily suburban, female, college-educated milquetoast independents and Trump-hating Democrats) that she is putting together doesn’t appear to be enough to deliver her the Granite State.


The first poll to sound the alarm for Nikki was released earlier today, and it was sponsored by the Boston Globe. The poll shows Trump with an absolutely massive lead with New Hampshire Republicans, and, even worse for Nikki, he’s running neck and neck with her with independents.


Sure, one poll might be a fluke, but two? That’s starting to look like a pattern. It seems like Americans are turning their backs on the warmongering globalist, even in establishment-heavy New Hampshire.


📊 2024 New Hampshire GOP Primary


• Trump — 52% (+14)

• Haley — 38%

• DeSantis — 6%


Among Republicans

• Trump — 65% (+40)

• Haley— 25%

Among Independents

• Haley — 52% (+15)

• Trump — 37%@SaintAnselmPoll | 1,398 LV | 1/16 | ±2.6%

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) January 17, 2024


However, the bad news doesn’t stop for Nikki. Back in her home turf of South Carolina, she’s lagging behind President Trump by a whopping 39 points. Ouch. That’s got to hurt.


As if getting pummled in her own state wasn’t bad enough, Nikki’s just been dealt another major blow: South Carolina Senator Tim Scott is throwing his support behind President Trump. That’s an endorsement Nikki was really banking on. It’s a serious hit to her credibility, her ego, and a campaign that’s been on the ropes from day one.



Tim Scott endorses Trump, Nikki Haley is pissed about it, so do not (RETWEET) this

— Chicago1Ray 🇺🇸 (@Chicago1Ray) January 19, 2024


And about this so-called “two-person race” she keeps talking about? That’s not true. President Trump has the nomination in the bag, and all this hullabaloo now is a colossal waste of time and money. Nikki’s lackluster showing in Iowa definitely wasn’t what she was hoping for. She had her sights set on snagging second place. Despite the letdown, she celebrated as if she’d just struck gold.


Nikki would be out by now if the establishment elites weren’t so obsessed with destroying Trump. They, along with their cronies in the media, are bending over backwards to make it look like there’s some real competition underway. Don’t buy into it. The only crowd rallying behind Nikki are the GOP warmongers and radical Democrats. She’s betting all her chips on them to swoop in and rescue her failing campaign in New Hampshire.

Anonymous ID: 9aea30 Jan. 21, 2024, 4:14 p.m. No.20279782   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have a lot more respect for South Carolina citizens now, so lets now work on getting Lindsey Graham out of Senate


However, the bad news doesn’t stop for Nikki. Back in her home turf of South Carolina, she’s lagging behind President Trump by a whopping 39 points. Ouch.That’s got to hurt.