Anonymous ID: 23cd75 Jan. 21, 2024, 7:09 p.m. No.20280811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0943

>>20280550. PB

Why not? Why don’t you want to discuss the bible on a free speech board? The only things not allowed are perverts posting child pornography and anything against the law…. Those are rules.


We can discuss the bible, this was a question on the interpretation of the bible.Why do you want to prevent discussion of the bible? Why would you limit anons on this?


Anons child pornography and things against the law, cannot be posted here. Everything else is free reign for discussion and research. Don’t listen to agents


Baker do I have this right?

Anonymous ID: 23cd75 Jan. 21, 2024, 7:35 p.m. No.20280919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1205

Partial Condemnation

21 Jan, 2024 23:48

UN condemns Ukrainian attack that killed 27 civilians in Russian city

Moscow has called the bombardment of a busy market in Donetsk a “barbaric terrorist act”


The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has condemned the attack against the capital of Russia’s Donetsk People’s Republic,but refused to pin the blame for the shelling that left at least 27 civilians killed and over two dozen injured including several children.


“The Secretary-General strongly condemns all attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure, including today’s shelling of the city of Donetsk in Ukraine,” the spokesperson for the UN chief said in a brief boilerplate statement on Sunday night.


“Attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure are prohibited under international humanitarian law, are unacceptable and must stop immediately,” it added.


The number of fatalities from the Ukrainian shelling of a busy market in Donetsk on Sunday has climbed to 27 people, according to the latest tally by the DPR head Denis Pushilin. Another 25 people were injured, some of them in a serious condition, including “penetrating wounds in the area of vital organs and traumatic amputation of limbs,” according to the official. Two children who were wounded in the bombardment have been described as being in moderate condition.


Moscow has called on governments and international bodies to condemn this “treacherous attack on the civilian population,”with Russia’s Foreign Ministry stating that failure to do so would be a sign of “silent approval of the murders of civilians” that would only encourage Kiev “to commit even more bloody atrocities.”


The shelling, which hit the Kirov District in the southwest of Donetsk,was carried out with the use of 152mm and NATO-standard 155mm munitions.


“This again confirms [the West’s] direct involvement in the conflict and makes it complicit in the criminal acts of the Zelensky regime, which has once again displayed its inhumanity and hatred towards innocent people,” the ministry added.

Anonymous ID: 23cd75 Jan. 21, 2024, 7:44 p.m. No.20280963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1205

21 Jan, 2024 20:36

Zelensky making Ukraine 'authoritarian' – Kiev mayor

Modern Ukraine leaves “little space” for the president's critics, Vitaly Klitschko has claimed


Ukraine is increasingly heading towards authoritarian rule under President Vladimir Zelensky and his administration, theMayor of Kiev Vitaly Klitschko told Canada’s Globe and Mailin an interview published on Friday. The government has largely consolidated its control over the national media, leaving almost no space for alternative viewpoints, and has started to replace elected local officials, he claimed.


Ukraine’s major TV broadcasters have been airing a single show known as the United News Telemarathon almost since the start of the ongoing conflict between Moscow and Kiev in February 2022. The program mostly consists of live news broadcasts, interviews, and talk shows. According to Klitschko,it has allowed the government to establish a “monopoly on information.” The mayor argued that the content of the show is “controlled” by the state and that any dissenting or critical voices are simply not allowed.


“Objective, true information is very important to society, and a monopoly on information, I guess, is not good,” he told the Globe and Mail. He also said that asignificant part of Ukrainian society “doesn’t understand exactly what happens on the front lines” since the show highlights Ukrainian military successes while downplaying the setbacks.


“We are worried that some government institutions were involved in that repression of free media,” Klitschko explained. He accused Zelensky of not paying attention to the issue of the persecution of journalists in Ukraine.


The list of Klitschko’s concerns does not end with the media, as, according to him, the government has alsoused martial law introduced to replace more than 200 mayorsand local council heads with military administrators.


“The mayors and the heads of community are elected by citizens, and they are instead being replaced by people who are put in from the top. So that’s why I worry,” the former world boxing champion-turned-politician said.


“The movement, what we see right now,I can’t say it’s democracy. It smells of … of authoritarianism,” Klitschko said, adding that “some people” within the government “wish everything to be centralized” and seek to consolidate power in their hands. He didn't name anyone specifically and alsostated that he “cannot say their names.”


Klitschko, a long-time national hero due to his high-profile boxing career, took up his position shortly after the 2014 Maidan coup and is one of the few prominent politicians from the time of Zelensky’s predecessor, Pyotr Poroshenko, who has retained a senior post.


Over the past months, relations between the capital’s mayor and the central government have been marred by multiple public spats. In June, Klitschko was reprimanded for the state of the city’s bomb shelters. In November, he was one of the first major Ukrainian public figures to admit the failure of the much-hyped summer counteroffensive. He also contradicted the stance taken by Zelensky at that time.


In early December 2023, Klitschko already warned that Zelensky had plunged the nation into authoritarianism and made it dependent on the “mood” of a single person – himself.


(This mayor needs to get out Ukraine soon, opposition to Zelensky seemingly end up dead in mysterious circumstances)

Anonymous ID: 23cd75 Jan. 21, 2024, 7:51 p.m. No.20280991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1098 >>1155 >>1205

21 Jan, 2024 19:28

Scores dead as frigid conditions ravage US – CBS

Weather-related fatalities have been reported in at least nine US states in recent days


At least 89 people have died in weather-related incidents across the United States in recent days, a report by CBS News said on Sunday, as dangerously cold conditions continue to impact various parts of the country.


Tens of millions of people across the US once again faced bitterly-cold conditions this weekend as a blast of frigid Arctic air traveled southwards from Canada, sending temperatures plummeting to record lows and blanketing sections of the country with thick layers of ice and snow.


How cold it is varies by region but in Chicago, for example, wind chills dropped the temperatures to -30 degrees Fahrenheit (-34 degrees Celsius). Elsewhere, in states like Texas, Alabama and Georgia, temperatures hovered in or around 20 degrees Fahrenheit (-6.6 degrees Celsius) last week.


Tennessee’s Department of Health has confirmed at least 25 fatalities associated with the weather conditions over the past several days, CBS said, while another 16 have died in various incidents in Oregon in the western US. This includes three people who were killed in the state when a tree fell on their car.


Oregon has declared a state of emergency after more than 45,000 people were left without power as a result of storms.


Deaths have also been reported in various other states, including Illinois, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Washington, New York, New Jersey and more. Various other fatalities – including a person killed in a five-car crash in Kentucky – are being investigated to identify if the adverse weather conditions were the primary cause.


In the state of Mississippi, officials have told residents to be aware of hazardous conditions on the roads, and to “drive only if necessary.”


Bitterly cold, below average temperatures are expected to extend into the coming week, forecasters say. “Arctic air will combine with moisture from the Gulf to create an icy mess from Oklahoma to Illinois,” meteorologist Molly McCollum said. “Travel will be treacherous on Monday.”


The eastern half of the United States will likely see its coldest weather yet this season early in the week, with dangerous wind chills and a hard freeze warning – where temperatures stay at or below 29 degrees Fahrenheit (-1.6 degrees celsius) for an extended period of time – issued as far south as northern Florida.


There is some respite in sight, however, as temperatures are expected to rise by midweek – though, according to the Weather Channel, this could swiftly thaw ice and snow, leading to an increased risk of flooding in some areas.


(Is this happening here, or do they release the news in Eu only?whats are scores?)

Anonymous ID: 23cd75 Jan. 21, 2024, 8:04 p.m. No.20281065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1074


Actually asshole I didn’t post anything on the bible, it wasn’t me, go ahead and figure out another stupid reason why you can say what you said.To be very clear I was not involved in the bible discussion

Anonymous ID: 23cd75 Jan. 21, 2024, 8:12 p.m. No.20281104   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Do you speak for all people being annoyed? Did you form a union. Being annoyed is not a reason to tell someone to shut up on their beliefs or what they want to discuss.


Tell me how many other people were annoyed, do you actually know?. Or is that a sweeping generalization to make you feel better for being a dictator telling anons what they can discuss?


You do know that you can hide that anons posts so you don’t have to see it, right?


Grow up

Anonymous ID: 23cd75 Jan. 21, 2024, 8:23 p.m. No.20281162   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I’ve never understood why anons have to announce another anon is filtered so you won’t see it. Why not just hide the post. There is not some great almighty power when you filter someone.