These goddamned humans are never going to go extinct, if these fucking shills don't stop posting about Sex, which makes them do the sex, and make more humans.
Never had a banker try to get me killed over a made up sex-crime insinuation, but I'll be dammed if the Catholics haven't had their go at it.
Abrahamism, and the State Administered Death Penalty of Slaves by Royals has been a solidly Catholic Initiative for the last 1000 years. But the Muslims have murdered their fair share as well. It's almost like both sides buy their weapons, propaganda, and divisive ideologies from Jewish Arms Dealers who worship YAHWEH The God of War, as they were instructed to by their Chinese Masters.
But, you're right, all 3 of them are equally guilty of Playing God and fucking things up for the rest of us.
Anon isn't an Abrahamite.
Anon doesn't believe in things like genital mutilation and "royal" bloodlines and chattel slavery, seafood prohibitions, the 11th Commandment of "Thous shalt not utter hurtful sounds," and whatever else you Jew/Muslim/Catholics spend Wednesday evening and Sunday morning hallucinating about.
Organized Religions are one of the tools of the Division of Humanity.
Labeling people into religious [boxes] and treating them disparately.
Anon doesn't participate in them.
Just observing and commenting.
"We weren't "beating him up," your honor. We call it "arresting" him, and he resisted the beating…errr…arrest, your Honor."
You seem to think their is a difference between "religion" and "politics". They're two side of the same coin.
Anon is live and let live.
The followers of Abrahamism are Abrahamites.
The Jews, Catholics, and Muslims all claim to be decended from their common Father, Abraham.
Anon didn't make that up.
He read it in their silly little members pamphlets.
Because Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all recognize Abraham as their first prophet, they are also called the Abrahamic religions. While there was always a small community of Jews in historic Palestine, in 73 C.E. the Roman Empire dispersed the Jews after an insurrection against Roman authority.
Read another book, anon
All government's and religions WANT to keep the popularity contests and staged executions alive, because therein lies their Power.
Our Constitution says we have THE RIGHT TO LIFE.
The Constitution is The Law of the Land.
Not some faggot holy book courtesy of the money lending goat herders in Egypt.
If you have time, anon, recommends listening to the whole album.
Manowar - Holy War
Manowar - Fighting the World (Full Album)
Chi Ro (The Holy See)
Roman ships and navigation in ancient Rome
>anon is voting for Clown…
It was interesting the Congress turned over 45K hours of J6 video to Glenn Beck's crack team of mormon identity hiders to scrub the videos and produce "The News" we're now hearing 3 years later.
Manowar - Defender
When you are old enough to read these words, their meaning will unfold
These words are all that's left and though we've never met, my only son
I hope you know that I would have been there to watch you grow
But my call was heard and I did go
Now, your mission lies ahead of you as it did mine so long ago
To help the helpless ones who all look up to you
And to defend them to the end
Ride like the wind
Fight proud, my son
You're the defender
God has sent
Ride like the wind
Fight proud, my son
You're the defender
God has sent
Father, father, father
I look up to you and heed thy call
This letter ends my search
I'll live your dreams now passed onto me
And I now wait to shake the hand of fate
Like the dusk awaiting dawn
So wizards, cast your spell
With no heart to do me well
So it is written, it shall be
[Guitar solo]
Ride like the wind, ride like the wind
Fight proud, my son, fight proud, my son
You're the defender, you're the defender
God has sent, God has sent
Ride like the wind, ride like the wind
Fight proud, my son, fight proud, my son
You're the defender, you're the defender
God has sent, God has sent
Ride like the wind, ride like the wind
Fight proud, my son, fight proud, my son
You're the defender, you're the defender
God has sent, God has sent
Ride like the wind, ride like the wind
Fight proud, my son, fight proud, my son
You're the defender, you're the defender
God has sent, God has sent
Ride like the wind, ride like the wind
Fight proud, my son, fight proud, my son
You're the defender, you're the defender
God has sent, God has sent
Ride like the wind, ride like the wind
Fight proud, my son, fight proud, my son
You're the defender, you're the defender
God has sent, God has sent
Anon wants to see Hannity's Krav Maga on display in The Octagon….for Charity. Anon is poor and out of shape, but anon would fight Hannity in the cage for charity and bragging rights.
Reminds anon of this shot.