Anonymous ID: 32fdcd Jan. 22, 2024, 2:10 a.m. No.20281962   🗄️.is 🔗kun

22 Jan, 2024 06:50

Post-Soviet state loses almost entire national art collection to fire

Abkhazia suffered “an irreplaceable loss,” the minister of culture has said


More than 4,000 paintings have perished in a devastating blaze that engulfed the Central Exhibition Hall in Abkhazia’s capital, Sukhumi, on Sunday.


Emergency services in the South Caucasus republic received a fire alert at around 3:38am, and 11 crews were dispatched immediately, according to local media. Despite the efforts, the fire was only contained by 7am, by which time most of the paintings were gone.


The acting minister of culture, Dinara Smyr, said that virtually “everything has been destroyed.”


“The second floor housed the collections of the National Art Gallery, with over 4000 works. Among them were up to 300 works by Alexander Chachba-Shervashidze,” Smyr told Apsnypress, calling it “an irreplaceable loss” to the nation's culture.


The National Art Gallery's director, Suram Sakania, said the damage to Abkhazian heritage was “immeasurable.”


“I walk around crying. It's terrible,” he lamented. Sakania added that, according to the firefighters, the fire started on the roof and was likely caused by an electrical fault.


The gallery, which first opened its doors in 1964, is renowned for regularly hosting local and international artists. It was home to artwork by Alexander Chachba-Shervashidze, a significant figure in Abkhazian art.


Since its establishment, the Central Exhibition Hall has been an essential cultural site of the nation. Many prominent artists, including M. Eshba, O. Brendel, I. Tsomaya, and V. Ivanba, donated their works to the gallery, which initially displayed 100 paintings and 20 sculptures.


Ezekiel Lazarevich Fishkov – an art connoisseur and Sukhum physician – who played a crucial role in the gallery’s foundation, donated part of his home and 60 paintings, including pieces by Russian artists who visited Abkhazia in the early 20th century.


(Isn’t this weird anons?)

Anonymous ID: 32fdcd Jan. 22, 2024, 2:23 a.m. No.20281985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1996 >>2045

22 Jan, 2024 03:30

Russia must give up its nuclear weapons – Ukrainian officials

Kiev hopes to force Moscow into negotiations on its terms, after rejecting a deal in 2022


Ukrainian officials have continued to propose additional terms and conditions to resolving the ongoing conflict with Russia, as President Vladimir Zelensky pushes forward with his so-called “peace formula,” which has been dismissed by the Kremlin as “absurd.”


The conflict in Ukraine can only end with a “complete liberation” and “restoration of its 1991 borders,” Kiev’s deputy defense minister Ivan Gavrilyuk told the newspaper Der Tagesspiegel last week. Only then can Moscow and the pro-Kiev “coalition” sign a document to “create preventive mechanisms so that Russia will never think about another war against Ukraine or any country in the future.”


“This document must include Russia's renunciation of nuclear weapons, because it poses a threat to the world,” Gavrilyuk claimed.


A senior adviser to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, Mikhail Podoliak, voiced a similar idea, claiming that thenegotiation should take place only when Moscow “suffers a global defeat,” or at the very least a series of “tactical defeats,” and “internal riots”that would threaten political stability in Russia and force it to “voluntarily give up nuclear weapons.”


“What is a global defeat? The Russian Federation will no longer be able to dominate… will not be able to use its veto right in the UN Security Council,” Podoliak explained. “Then conditions are possible for nuclear weapons, and for the number of carriers of nuclear weapons, including missiles of a certain range, and for cross-border buffer zones, etc.”


During the World Economic Forum in Davos, Zelensky once again attempted to promote his so-called ‘peace formula’, which among other things proposes that Russia pay reparations, surrender its officials to face war crimes tribunals, and restore Ukraine’s 1991 borders. It has previously been rejected by the Kremlin as “absurd,” with Russian Foreign MinisterSergey Lavrov referring to it as a publicity stunt and “a figment of a sick imagination.”


Moscow insists it never closed the door to talks but Kiev itself did, and now bears full responsibility for the situation in which it finds itself, Russian President Vladimir Putin said last week. Putin noted that the head of Ukraine’s negotiation team recently admitted that Kiev was at one point ready to reach an agreement with Moscow – before then-British prime minister Boris Johnson convinced them to continue fighting.


“Are they not idiots?” Putin asked, adding that if Ukraine had simply ignored Johnson, then the violence could be long over by now. “This just proves yet again that they are not independent people.”


Even Ukraine’s former top spin doctor, Aleksey Arestovich, recently admitted that Kiev had the chance to make peace at the 2022 Istanbul talks but “something” changed Zelensky’s mind, and Moscow is unlikely to offer Kiev such favorable conditions ever again.


(These assholes are in no position to demand anything, the more they fuck around, the more they are going to find out. My guess is Zelensky and corrupt crew are going to ousted soon. Then arrested and tried for war crimes against civilians.)

Anonymous ID: 32fdcd Jan. 22, 2024, 3:01 a.m. No.20282051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2058 >>2060 >>2061 >>2082

21 Jan, 2024 13:03

Russia could control 30% of global wheat exports – French FM

Stephane Sejourne expects France to face inflation and a food crisis if Ukraine is defeated (WTF?)


Russia could take control over nearly a third of global wheat exports if it wins the military conflict with Ukraine, the new French foreign minister predicted on Saturday in an interview with Le Parisien.


In such a scenario,France would be hit by a severe food crisisand spiralling inflation, according to Stephane Sejourne, who argued for more financial aid to Kiev.


“If Ukraine loses, 30% of world exports will fall under Russian control,putting French wheat under threaton international markets,” he said, adding that financial aid is highly important for Ukraine’s President President Vladimir Zelensky, as he “needs to show his people that he is still supported.” (This makes no sense, Ukraine can’t win and has lost already, so how would prolonging the war protect French wheat? Andwhy kill more people so France can make more money on their grain?)


After the UN-brokered Black Sea grain deal fell through, Ukrainian producers had to export grain through the territories of neighbouring states. Back in 2022, the EU suspended tariffs on Ukrainian exports in a bid to financially support Kiev. As result, the major influx of cheap grain from Ukraine left EU farmers unable to compete with the low prices of imported goods.


The measures prompted several major protests by European agricultural producers over the influx of low-cost Ukrainian produce into the EU. In 2023, Polish farmers blocked border crossings with Ukraine on several occasions over the issue.


The crisis forced Brussels to impose a ban on Ukrainian grain imports in May 2023, which it unilaterally lifted in September. Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and Romania immediately reinstated the restrictions on the national level, prompting Ukraine to file a now-suspended complaint with the World Trade Organization. Bulgaria, which refused to join the four nations and reinstate the restrictions, was gripped by farmers’ protests in September 2023.


(Is France worried about the areas that are already in Russian territory, like Donetsk and Lugansk. Ukraine is never going to win. So, what kind of blackmail does Zelensky have on Macron? So France is willing to have another 1 million Ukraine men killed, because the Bidan & EU started this failed war with Russia? Theoriginal West’s planwas to defeat Russia and the Globalist Gang come in andpillage the country’s multiple natural resources, this was never about Ukraine, it was always about more money and greed.What has France been shipping outfrom the ports that Ukraine controls? Thats the real question.)

Anonymous ID: 32fdcd Jan. 22, 2024, 3:46 a.m. No.20282108   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They had been planning an attack on Russia for many years. All of them revealed exactly who they are to Putin. These countries need to be punished severely those that devised this stupid plan. The greed in the EU along with Canada & US has disintegrated an alliance that had been solid for a couple of decades.


None of those leaders will get away with what they’ve done and I suspect the EU will fall apart from the corruption in its organization. The are all stupid for following along with Obama’s plan. I can’t wait to see what Russia reveals on Obama-Bidan-HRC. Everything they touch turns to shit.


After this is over each one on them needs to be prosecuted for war crimes against their own countries and Russia.


I suspect Russia knew what they planned with Nord Stream 2, but could not stop the plot. For Sholz of Germany, a financial partner in NS2, to not being outraged about what the US planned, only means Bidan paid them for allowing it.


Scholz is hated in Germany now, and many conservatives are winning seats in various regions, when they get the truth on the Scholz’s betrayal to Germany is going to blow their minds. And Merkle’s ever present influence will be cut off. She opened the doors to illegal radical immigrants to the EU countries. Hungary was the only country that refused to do this.


After we MAGA, the EU Needs to Make Europe Great Again MEGA. The ruling elites will not survive. That is why the EU countries and UK are passing so many tracking, misinfo, disinfo and censoring laws, they can’t have all of this come out.

Anonymous ID: 32fdcd Jan. 22, 2024, 4:14 a.m. No.20282153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2198

Jukes definitely looks like a trustworthy dude

21 Jan, 2024 13:39

UK sets up new counter-espionage unit

Threats are now greater than during the Cold War, a senior British law enforcement official has claimed


UK police have set up a new unit to combat espionage threats allegedly posed by states including China, Russia and Iran, a counterterrorism official has announced. The unit has beentasked with mitigating potential risksahead of the сountry'snext general electionexpected in the second half of the year. (Here we go, when the UK elects a true conservative, non deep stater like Trump; this new UK unit will accuse Russia of election interference. But a whole new unit for elections? It will morph into a permanent more DS.)


Matt Jukes, the assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, told reporters on Friday that intelligence suggests that the threat posed by hostile states is “greater now than since the days of the Cold War.” (Hyperbole to scare people and accept more spying on citizens)


“I don’t want to be coy,”Jukes said in the media briefing. “We are talking about parts of the state apparatus of Iran, China and Russia.”


The UK last year passed the National Security Act, designed to provide its security services with additional measures to tackle state-backed sabotage.The legislation reformed London’s existing espionage laws, originally introduced when Britain faced threats from German spies during World War I.


The new counter-espionage unit will use the powers afforded by the act to ensure that it “will be the most overt part of the UK security community stepping up its response to those hostile state actions,” Jukes added on Friday.


He also stated thatpolice have determined that the scale of misinformation being tracked online surpasses that of any previous electionyear in the UK. He noted that authorities have expressed concern over plots to kill political figures, referencing more than 15 direct threats he claimed were linked to the Iranian state in the past two years.


“This is not simply rhetoric,” Jukes continued. “In my seat, you tend to look at dashboards of indicators and there are particular indicators that we will be focused on. And right now, there are needles on that dashboard that are moving in the wrong direction.” (Whenever a leader says, “this is not”, “we are not” etc when imposing more spying on citizens in their own countries, rest assured they are saying, “This is massive rhetoric” and “yes we are doing this” and “we are aiming all of this at you”)


In December, a Chechen-born Austrian citizen, Magomed-Husejn Dovtaev, was jailed for three-and-a-half years by UK authorities after he was observed by security guards carrying out “hostile reconnaissance” of an Iranian media company in London. Examination of his phone reportedly suggested he had been recording the building’s security arrangements before his arrest.


During Dovtaev’s trial, the court was told that the TV station in question had been critical of the Iranian government, and had accused it of human rights violations.Dovtaev said he had been “set up” by an unknown contact, and had been recording the building because he liked its architecture. (Very much life the BIF does here)


The UK’s next general election is expected to take place later this year, and must be held before January 28, 2025, at the latest.


(The UK has more people employed at various spy services, than citizens at this point)

Anonymous ID: 32fdcd Jan. 22, 2024, 4:33 a.m. No.20282198   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just some of the known UK spy agencies:


21st century


The Defence Intelligence Staff changed its name to Defence Intelligence (DI) in 2009.[39] Defence Intelligence has a unique position within the UK intelligence community as an 'all-source' intelligence function. The National Security Council (NSC) was established in 2010, reestablishing the central coordination of national security issues seen in the Committee of Imperial Defence.[42] The Joint Intelligence Organisation was formalised to provide intelligence assessment and advice on development of the UK intelligence community's analytical capability for the Joint Intelligence Committee and NSC.[43]


The National Crime Agency, established in 2013, gathers and analyses intelligence on serious and organised crime.[13] It was preceded by the National Drugs Intelligence Unit (1970s–1992), National Criminal Intelligence Service (1992–2006), and the Serious Organised Crime Agency (2006–2013).


Five other organisations which collect and analyse domestic intelligence within specific fields were formed under the authority of the Home Office: the National Domestic Extremism and Disorder Intelligence Unit, which dates back to 2004 and has been hosted by the Metropolitan Police Service since 2011; the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority which was formed in 2005; the Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism, created in 2007, which is responsible for leading work on counter-terrorism working closely with the police and security services; the National Ballistics Intelligence Service, which was created in 2008; and the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau, which was established in 2010 by the City of London Police.[16]


The Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) was formed as a child agency of MI5 in 2007, merging the NISCC and NSAC.[44] CPNI provided integrated (combining information, personnel, and physical) security advice to the businesses and organisations which made up the critical national infrastructure.[45] In 2016, the cybersecurity-related aspects of the CPNI's role were taken over by the newly-formed National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), itself a child agency of GCHQ.[46] The CPNI evolved into the National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) in 2023, taking on a remit beyond critical national infrastructure.[47]

Anonymous ID: 32fdcd Jan. 22, 2024, 4:40 a.m. No.20282221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2270


Utter nonsense, now she’s playing the “vote for me out of sympathy for racism”! She will lie about anything. Every politician that knows her have to come out and expose her as a fraud

Anonymous ID: 32fdcd Jan. 22, 2024, 4:54 a.m. No.20282275   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Trump Discusses DeSantis Endorsement and More


January 22, 2024 | Sundance |


A good interview with President Donald Trump from New Hampshire hitting on several key topics. The first topic is Ron DeSantis dropping out of the race and endorsing President Trump. Also, the state of the race, what President Trump looks for in the next VP selection, the war in Ukraine and middle east, the border security issues and more. Good interview, WATCH: