it occured to me, or rather I wondered, when trying to "do" an oval shape, like the Oval Office, how would you do that?
would you try to bend a circle? is an oval a bended or formed circle?
I tried to bend a circle, it was not much successfull as it turns our pushing or pulling a small plastic jar (the heavens already learned the lid is not ideal to try out) does not lead to an oval. you would have to bend it in a perfect way it seems.
I watched vids on yt and saw those methods, zeitgeist was convenient again. :)
drawing three circles, having lines cut them in different angles, do sort of an integral thing and assume the next best thing to an oval.
next method I saw was having two nails and a stripe draw it. this looked very pleasing to do it that quick and easy and like a sort of magical way.
the next method I watched was this in a sort of more complex seeming way, much more explaining to me though.
two nails in a board, a square and drawing while moving into two opposite directions on both axis. with the nails on the on the square, see pic.
this for me shows the interdasting truth.
(on my editor I am more brave to put this line blank, when reading here I am not.)
a circle being perfect.
an oval being perfect.
an oval not to be bended out of a circle bc this meaning to bend it at all infinitly many infinitely small points in a perfect coordinated way, but sort of approaching it by integrating until closish, or, by drawing it with the help of tools.
here basically a higher level or maybe somthing to be called upper dimension (when not really being dimension) would be reached, the thing differentiating and integrating does, jumping levels sort of, place and speed.
the tools show it takes complex numbers, bc that is how the nails move on the square.
jumping from perfectness to perfectness, 7 style, with tools, bc irl not bendable.
one could draw this as a nice sun with rays ;)