>Silver bullet comms
The Supreme Court’s Silver-Bullet Solution to the 14th Amendment Problem
>Silver bullet comms
The Supreme Court’s Silver-Bullet Solution to the 14th Amendment Problem
>thought a bullet hole would be round…
Glass was shot at an angle.
Look at how the cracks spread.
>dont know what to make of it
The glass was torqued.
See how all of the cracks turn the same direction just before they end.
Spinning bullet stretched the glass, applied twisting moment of force, and then punched through, relieving the pressure just as cracks stopped.
Anon would hazard a guess that gun was fired from slightly to right of hole based on the lack of cracks on that side.
To someone with a room temperature IQ, I'm sure that's a correct assessment.
The thing anon really loves about nightshift is not having to dumb things down for dayshift.
Unfortunately, they're waking up again.
>My guess is the round came in from the left of the image, and from the other side of the glass. The distorted hole would be from the milliseconds the round was still in contact with the glass and beginning to mushroom
Rifling is generally clockwise, so you're likely looking at the entry side, based on the clockwise turn at the tip of the cracks.
Hole distortion could be anything from mushrooming to tumbling.
Type of glass, anon will leave to the experts.
Anon just has ability to see physics in a few moar dimensions than the average joe.
>Because he will have escaped death and that always gets the panties wet..
Oldfag confirms.
Is why anon steers the ball and chain to hallmark movies and only watches action/adventure when she's out of the house.
Dayshift begins again…