#1 Redefine pandemic
#2 Redefine biological warfare
#3 Redefine crime
#4 Redefine taxes
#5 Use "taxes" to kill tax payers
#6 Start WW3 for globohomo cult
#1 Redefine pandemic
#2 Redefine biological warfare
#3 Redefine crime
#4 Redefine taxes
#5 Use "taxes" to kill tax payers
#6 Start WW3 for globohomo cult
George Floyd was not murdred. He od-ed on government mafia fentanyl that he ate, voluntarily.
Forward butt-hurt jesuit revenge
Bad news: The EU criminal aliens are almost as violent as Al Capone.
Good news: Except for strays, they only kill each other.
1773 Pope Clement XIV excommunicates jesuit order. Jesuits go underground. French revolution ensues.
1774 Pope Clement XIV dies from poison.
1798 Pope Pius VI dies in Napolean's dungeon.
1801 Pope Pius VII recognizes jesuit order.
1814 After a long rest in Napolean's dungeon, Pope Pius VII restores jesuit order.
Putin: Never interfere when the Obama coup d'etat is making a mistake.
What M$M is paid to do
Obiden 2023 112,000 USA fentanyl deaths
>>20280879 lb
Worthless fuck up Jamaal can have his $14 trillion reparations, only after he pays back the $200+ trillion already gifted by Unconstitutional Affirmative Action.