Anonymous ID: 26af9b July 4, 2018, 9:33 a.m. No.2028882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8962

CDAN is posting Blind Item Revealed all day today.

Those who are the loudest eh?


Blind Items Revealed #3

January 9, 2018


This triumvirate of celebrity all have a certain thing in common. Well, they did have one thing in common. A love of a South American country. Apparently that love does not extend to now because the person who was in charge is no longer in power. So, their response has been silence. In the past they were all about supporting the regime. No one really could ever understand it. Well, I will tell you now why they did. The first of our three is a permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. He and this former A list mostly movie actor turned B lister would have coke supplied to them for free the entire time they were in the country and it came courtesy of the government. In exchange for selling out, they were given massive parties with as many drugs and women as they wanted. Speaking of women, this A list mostly movie director is the third of our celebrities. He was not interested in the drugs but he was interested in the women. The government would supply him with upwards of 20 women for a three or four day trip and he loved it. One person I haven't listed here is a foreign born permanent A list model who supported the government because many of her highest paying clients made their money thanks to the largess of the government.


Hugo Chavez/Sean Penn/Danny Glover/Oliver Stone/Naomi Campbell