Anonymous ID: e50b1d Trust Sessions July 4, 2018, 9:34 a.m. No.2028901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8918 >>8940 >>8950 >>8987 >>9003 >>9016 >>9034 >>9035 >>9049 >>9097

I have been with Q since the beginning. Every time we see the exact opposite of what Q says happening, we are suppose to believe it is all a larp for public consumption. Seriously, we have watched all of these crimes that were suppose to be their downfall, be ignored, not prosecuted, or end in plea deals. The Imran Awan plea deal says he will not be charged for any previous non violent crimes, but we are suppose to believe that doesn't matter, even though Sessions is making deep state moves every day we are suppose to "Trust Sessions". I mean, Q has posted enough fuzzy pics to convince anyone right? Even though Sessions prosecutes none of the Clinton/Obama/Deep State crimes, and he stands up for Rod Rosenstein every day, and he refuses to hand over Govt documents to Congress, and he let Rod Rosenstein take over the DOJ, and let RR lay out an impossibly wide scope and then expand that scope, that is all just part of the "fake Q play" none of that is real, though it is real, and we are suppose to believe there is coming some "Great and Glorious" day when all of these crooks will go before Military Tribunals, even though there is no proof of that whatsoever. Are we going to believe what we see…..or what we are told is secretly happening behind the seens by an anonymous person? I am simply a Mother, Grandmother of 5, and previous advertising agency owner. I have had the "bad actors" interfere with my computers and shadow ban me on twitter, they have contacted me at home and basically let me know they knew who my family members were. They even took over my computer one day. Then mysteriously last year our house burnt to the ground while we were staying in Atlanta to help take care of our 2yr old grandson we has cancer. We had all power turned off, we lived at least 5 miles out of a small town, and the only explanation was probably a homeless person broke in and started a fire in the living room? Yet, homeless people do not generally wander around in the country. I have had "bad actors" let me know they knew what I looked like. And all this time, even losing our home and every dime of her money was tied up in that home, and our insurance just happen to expire that week and we didn't get the notice forwarded in the mail to let us know. So we had no insurance and lost all of the money we had in that house not to mention, all of our stuff. We only took a few items to Atlanta with us because we didn't know our grandson would still be undergoing treatment almost 2yrs later. And I am suppose to keep fighting the good fight, and I have! I fight against liberals, never Trumpers, and fight back against pedophiles, dirty politicians, and the media almost daily on twitter. I expose alot of the corruption going on, and what do I have to show for it? I have lost everything. I have a chronic illness, fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome, no medical insurance, yet I maintained hope. I did not care what happened to me, as long as the children around the world are saved from rape, torture, and satanic sexual ritual abuse, and the evil people that have tried to enslave us and hurt all people are locked up. I have seen none of that, just the opposite; the crooks just like Imran Awan, Rosenstein, and Mueller, are all still doing their damage everyday.The innocent, like our President, are persecuted. I am happy so many pedophiles have been arrested, but not the main ones running the pedo rings. I am beginning to believe what people said about David Brock from Media Matters has taken over the "Q" posts along time ago, and is just leading us all on. How long can we believe the exact opposite of what we see happening? I am tired of this all. My husband and I had planned to move to Ecuador before all of this happened, before President Trump was elected, because we saw where the US was headed, and knew it would not be safe anymore. Now we have no money to move, and the evil ones are still running free. God help us all. If there really is a "Q cabal" of good guys working to bring down the bad actors, they have just waited too long. They have taken too long. Why wouldn't President Trump just declassify all of the documents? He had the perfect cover with Congress crying for him to declassify and release the documents. I think Atty General Jeff Sessions is working for, and at the least, allowing the deep state to control the DOJ. Why else would he give cover to Rod Rosenstein? Why else would he actually praise his "28 years of public service and experience"? I think this is all a larp! If it is not, they just waited too long. We are all too tired, and the Imran Awan case was the final straw for me and my husband.