>It happened on our watch for a Reason
It happened on many watches, we answered the call because we hearken to the Lord. One will have his eyes and ears grow dull, the other will consider God's eyes and ear which see and hear everything. Amen?
>It happened on our watch for a Reason
It happened on many watches, we answered the call because we hearken to the Lord. One will have his eyes and ears grow dull, the other will consider God's eyes and ear which see and hear everything. Amen?
>One will have his eyes and ears grow dull, the other will consider God's eyes and ears which sees and hears everything.
>"The Armor of God" Q
>it is just not rhetoric.
And in that Light, it is not a simple affirmation but an understanding and a deed. The understanding is this: What you feed shall surely live and what you starve is already dead. When Elijah comes, you will either choose the quality of your life, or sacrifice a part of your life, even unto death, for the sake of God's Kingdom; the Deed. When you put on the Armor of God, do not take the Lord's name in vain, walk in faith regardless of your life. Not all challenges are life and death, but the mighty will be challenged in order to grow in faith and knowledge. It has to be, it has to be fed, it has to exist, there is no reality without it, worth living. Grow in knowledge.
>And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. Whoever has ears, let them hear.
Amen. If you come in the Spirit of Elijah, then you will Baptize with the Water of Mercy. Then comes the one who will Baptize with the Spirit of Fire. This is not a fire that consumes but a Fire that fills all with It's own countenance. God Bless (you).
There are two types of people in the world, even the neutral are evil because they let the good die and evil to flourish. Make no mistake, Elijah destroyed the worshipers of Baal in his day and age, yet when Christ was transfigured he was seen speaking with Elijah and Moses. We who come in the Spirit of Elijah, reserve the right.
>God Bless the Chosen
For they are the ones who Choose to do God's Will because they Chose the Living God and will do no wrong in the sight of the Lord. Only a justified man knows a Justified Man.
Wrong, Elijah comes to everyone as a test, and that is called Justice. If you cannot testify, it is because you did whatever you wanted when Elijah came.
>Elijah has already come. Let those with ears to hear hear. You do not hear.
You do not listen, he is always knocking once you start to hearken to the call. I heard and that is how I know, because I did not miss him. It is not romantic thinking or affirmations; it is self sacrifice.