Anonymous ID: 9afb09 Jan. 22, 2024, 7:52 p.m. No.20286971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7068



Elon Musk’s Anti-Semitic, Apartheid-Loving Grandfather

The billionaire has described his grandfather as a risk-taking adventurer. A closer read of history reveals something much darker.


Elon Musk’s X Factor

The surprising personal and cultural reasons for his “X” affection and rebranding of Twitter.


Technocrats objected to politicians and economists, democracy, and socialism. They wanted an end to all banks. In the future that Technocrats including Musk’s grandfather were planning for, “There will be no place for Politics or Politicians, Finance or Financiers, Rackets or Racketeers.” There would also be no place for personal names. One technocrat, for instance, renamed himself 1x1809x56. Musk named one of his sons X Æ A-12—X, for short. (In 1950, two years after South Africa announced its policy of apartheid, Musk’s Technocrat grandfather, who had been briefly jailed for his political views, left Canada for Pretoria, where Musk grew up.)


Elon Musk’s grandfather belonged to a political party that believed the world should be governed by technology. Newspapers at the time described it as having ‘the tone of an incipient Fascist movement.’


Elon Musk‘s grandfather, the late Joshua Haldeman, spent his time ranting about minority groups he didn’t like, speculating about a global conspiracy led by shadowy figures (read: Jewish people), and joining the cause of technocracy.


According to a deep dive from the Atlantic on the life of Haldeman, the Canadian chiropractor was a “radical conspiracy theorist” who spent the beginning of his career as part of a group known as “Technocracy Incorporated.”


The movement had a bizarre set of principles: They believed that the world should be run by a totalitarian regime of engineers and scientists based in North America; that these tech overlords would solve all of society’s problems; and that people only had to work 20 years before retiring.


The party, founded in the 1920s, gained popularity during the Great Depression and at one point had more than half a million members in California.


The organization also referred to people as numbers (apparently, Musk’s grandfather was 10450-1) and sometimes added Xs to their names. Followers donned identical gray clothing and cars and greeted each other with special salutes, the Atlantic found. A newspaper cited by the magazine said the group gave off “the tone of an incipient Fascist movement.”


Canada eventually banned the party after it opposed the country’s involvement in World War II and considered it and its members a threat to national security. Haldeman was arrested and convicted for his participation, the Atlantic reported.

Anonymous ID: 9afb09 Jan. 22, 2024, 8 p.m. No.20287006   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No war is virtuos. Sometimes necessary, but almost always they're fought for bankers benefit not the peoples. That's especially the case in Ukraine.

Fuck you again CC-Pig.

Anonymous ID: 9afb09 Jan. 22, 2024, 9:22 p.m. No.20287313   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Trump will pick a VP who doesn't crave and attract attention more than himself, and has a proven record of loyalty. I'm calling it for Sarah Sanders. And in 2028, Sanders/Trump, either Eric or Don Jr.

Anonymous ID: 9afb09 Jan. 22, 2024, 9:33 p.m. No.20287346   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dumb jarhead answers the cops questions and admits he has over $10,000 in cash in his vehicle. He shoulda said fuck off when he was first pulled over and refused to answer any questions.