A large part of Q is civilian federal forces tracking us all
Gang stalking
This anon has a fraudulent marriage with a satanic cult child brides. The gangstalkers were waiting or would pass word
Order of the eastern star free masons are your human traffickers/country betrayer's
In a lot of ways this is a test of the powers of the patriot act
A lot at play
The gangstalkers from Mount Dora Florida, to Vevay Indiana, and the pedophile ring in North Georgia are all connected
The gang stalkers were taking orders from them, even the woman who didn't wear a wedding ring they are trying to craft a story around in Cartersville, Georgia
While they run pedophile rings
The current iteration of gangstalkers in central Florida have been crafting a homosexual narrative
Welcome to America folks, work harder pay your taxes. Real case, real children in danger, real gangstalking