You filthy Yid are filtered!
Don't project so much?!
You filthy Yid are filtered!
Don't project so much?!
STFU gatekeeping Jew!
Filthy Yids get filtered!
Inferior fuckwits like you 342e08 get filtered like the Yids!
>Shut your cocksucker you Bastard~
Stfu inferior Yidmongrel!
Truth hurts if you are a ((("chosen"))), lmao!
Yidmongrel Crew is filtered!
>your wrongYeah right Yid, (((Goovernment)))! lmao
>Jewish overlords wan the white race in America to be depleted at all costs.
All over the world!
I've got something for your collection.
>ell me how "White Supremacy" is the biggest threat.
The white population share of the world has fallen from 30% to 7% in the last 100 years. Which is of course the fault of the Jews!