Anonymous ID: 0ed26e Jan. 23, 2024, 5:12 a.m. No.20288174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8204 >>8253

yeah, also talked about nunchucks, and bodyguard pushing folks without controlling body in a way prolly known to them.

blocking murkowski stype, P-U-P/P-ET is a thing.


it is reported that I told Tony Hawk how to skate bc making it known to him that one prolly could grab on to the pipe and pull yourself down.


does that stuff make me God?

it does.

Anonymous ID: 0ed26e Jan. 23, 2024, 5:45 a.m. No.20288253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8277



dimensions. thougth about that together with reality, what some of you call Y, the AdAm thing also a thing for women not being what I kept calling wifes (man and wife, both, obviously, thing/k…makes me seen, obv., Elon.)

when having seen those math videos with shapes of higher dimensions, I was like, yeah, this form, that form, ok, tetra thing. did not really get it did not know what to get I guess, the thing I tried to get, "that" shape, I did not get, with that I got it, but did not get it. got it?


the thing is, in 4D, the shape is changing, that is the nature of that higher dimension/realm/reality/whatever.

it´s not a form, but a variety of forms being time/optionwise superpositioned I guess.


what is time and options when there are ways of live and prolly the immense freedom of the universe of you not exactly having witnessed the breakfast of a chinease guy 50 years ago?


story writing is hard, I though about this being a thing back as real man, that I still am, as the nature of my works is changing stuff, that effective that I have to rule out stuff to change for the nature of changing stuff, bc I can and did decide with fake starting point for me, God, the one eternal creator of existence, that all ever was good.


you say no?

why are folks supposed to have cuttet trees and build barricades for months when

>Blackberry. Intelligent security everywhere.

is a thing? that would be astry thinking and tayloring. gardens need to make sure not everything is agreed upon. levels. if your brother or Sister Sins.


and yes, live, in terms of business and such I also am rather skilled and did

>help accelerate that process.

got that message, my dear Kings and Lords?


Ich schlumpf gleich erstmal nen Schluck Schlumpf, hm, das schlumpft aber sehr.

might be how I appear to some, council daddies know and learn.

Anonymous ID: 0ed26e Jan. 23, 2024, 5:53 a.m. No.20288277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8309


>did not really get it did not know what to get I guess, the thing I tried to get, "that" shape, I did not get, with that I got it, but did not get it. got it?

there might be foks close to knowledge and understanding missing some small gap.

there are ways of life and my creation and with that for me it´s not much surprising to have talked about low hanging fruits and shared thinking having presented that.


trust me, there is no benefit to not listening to me but to my symbolism with a huge delay and potential for misunderstanding.

still you might take the pen and write stuff down, DE I LE INK.


also I did talk about levels of knowledge being presented e.g. to all those understanging "it" not being the word it but IT, IA, donkey, EvE, no matter if all codes are known. if you understand the concept of "it" having another meaning, that migth be the entry level.


having to invent new stuff is not I recommend, in terms of to many interested for positions, dunno, you do that.

Anonymous ID: 0ed26e Jan. 23, 2024, 6:04 a.m. No.20288309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8332


that tetra thing form is changing, that is the nature of that reality/dim/realm.

if you look at a 2D shape, a peace of paper, it lays there.

when you look at a 4D shape, it moves.


wait for next post.

or can you fill that gap?

Anonymous ID: 0ed26e Jan. 23, 2024, 6:11 a.m. No.20288332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8349 >>8411 >>8475 >>8552


>that tetra thing form is changing, that is the nature of that reality/dim/realm.

>if you look at a 2D shape, a peace of paper, it lays there.

>when you look at a 4D shape, it moves.


you move from chair to table, you move a sheet of paper on your desk.


and, this is new thinking in crowd, can you move points?


I am a thing. no need to know me though as I am really awesome.



yup, I am.

Anonymous ID: 0ed26e Jan. 23, 2024, 6:49 a.m. No.20288475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8497


if you were to write that into some info that is not broken is posts I´d appreciate.

if you save my stuff, that is obviously ok.

if a scientists reads and talk on a conference maybe not mentioning me, that is sure ok.


will need 2 to 5 years thinking and then we can do stuff in like 20 to 50 years, time magic and stuff.

irl, you do. without logged by blackmarket (prices, time) stuff when doing laws. without being logged bc feels being a thing.

Anonymous ID: 0ed26e Jan. 23, 2024, 7:05 a.m. No.20288552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8696


>that tetra thing form is changing, that is the nature of that reality/dim/realm.

>if you look at a 2D shape, a peace of paper, it lays there.

>when you look at a 4D shape, it moves.

you move from chair to table, you move a sheet of paper on your desk.


and, this is new thinking in crowd, can you move points?


A plane/flat cannot move a line, you can move a plane. irl is appreciated much.

Kranplätze müssen verdichtet sein.


for science folks this shouts 3D is the thing, booohya!

for irl it migth not. I am a guy might stress.

Anonymous ID: 0ed26e Jan. 23, 2024, 7:33 a.m. No.20288696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8729 >>8798 >>8964


if you did do stuff in writing, I appreciate and now ask you to not use military grade stuff.


CODE command stays true.


also, a quick recap on how I invented dimensions.

think stuff in small and through time.


2 persons can have direct comms with a line.

3 persons can have direct comms with two lines, a triangle.

4 persons cannot have direct comms, this would become stille post sort of when using square.

better would be a triangle with a point in it.

what about 5 persons? pyramid with a point.

6? well, 6 is not doable, other when just assuming it´s a pyramid with 3 points that are one point or function as one point. (function is your thinking).7

and that thinking is how God invented dimensions.


I also did invent athmosphere or rather explained and thought with those doing stuff.


and again, there are many whites and there is much bread. beloved!

there might be advantage to having the "story" of commanding EvAs as black leader sort of, blocking and administering truth that only I can do.






Anonymous ID: 0ed26e Jan. 23, 2024, 7:39 a.m. No.20288729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8741 >>8964


>6? well, 6 is not doable, other when just assuming it´s a pyramid with 3 points that are one point or function as one point. (function is your thinking).

forgot thinking stone, bc of sides of triangle, I then assume those to think the concept sort of.


I guess the whooshie thing stays the same. this thinking had to be done once it seems, did it some months ago. no rush. dimensions were a thing before me.

Anonymous ID: 0ed26e Jan. 23, 2024, 8:18 a.m. No.20288964   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I guess it´s broken bc from 5 to 6 is not a thing bc 6 persons or 7 or 8 is not a matter I guess.



watching stuff in tv. Lesch on spez. Realitätstheorie.


Partielle Differentialgleichung I heard and thought, ist doch anmaßend! :)

Yeah, only looking at one thing and being aware rest is more wooshie is interdasting I guess. not a physician. thinking for heavens and maybe irl.


in terms of constantness in the universe, maybe there is benefit in knowing its not really connected, the multiverse bubble thing, and with that mechanically broken. again, you may fart.


Kosmoligische Konstante.

how to imagine m/kg. a lenght divided by a mass. how? well, maybe use something where both applies, like moving an item that lies on your couch.

when you push/pull/move it,


f=m*a m=f/a

A=m/kg m=A*kg=f/a

Akg=f/a f=a/kgA


(this not much smart, but funish and why delete when I needed to reason as not much knowing.)

how would A (supposed to be lambda) have to change to have force or acceleration stay the same, assuming masses are fixed (anmaßend?) when moving things?


this said, I do witness gravity on a wall sometimes.