Anonymous ID: ab62c0 Jan. 23, 2024, 6:32 a.m. No.20288418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8433


This is truth. We have already seen the utter lawlessness that cops perpetrate on a daily basis. The illegal thefts and utter disrespect for anyone else's constitutional rights.


The "comply or die" culture in F/LEO circles exists largely because there hasn't been any consequences for being a bad cop for decades.


Giving these scumbags utter free reign to do whatever they want to without consequence is suicide and is the very last step towards a dictatorship.


Anyone who backs the blue literally backs slavery for every man, woman, and child in the US and other countries.


When society was allowed to defend itself, things worked far better. There's just too many examples of way too much power being coalesced into arbitrary positions. Unaccountability has nearly guaranteed that every single one of these positions is now inhabited by some form of utter monster who only cares about said power and control.

Anonymous ID: ab62c0 Jan. 23, 2024, 7:09 a.m. No.20288575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8602


Pray that the "top down" cleaning works. If it doesn't we will all be far worse off under a second trump admin than we are right now.


It's not a small thing. If we're going to hold people accountable, if we're going to be a nation of laws, then by God the police darn sure should be accountable for all of the evil they have perpetrated on "we the people".


If they are given full immunity you can wager there will be atrocities in the streets and there actually will be a civil war because it completely removes any possibility of a peaceful settlement.


If cops are comply or die now, while they still have some risk involved in their decisions, imagine what they will be like with no accountability at all. If anyone thinks it's bad now, imagine when one has NO LEGAL RECOURSE against the bad apples everyone is aware of…