OOTCloud ID: e11d1b Me me when Jan. 23, 2024, 8:23 a.m. No.20289009   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fuck this site. Seriously. Fuck soot, i hope he gets murdered by a nigger for creating childporn dot party, fuck kuz, eduardo, carter, or whatever the fuck his real name is, i hope he dies of AIDS like the pedo faggot he is, fuck (((max))), i hope he dies in a gas chamber in the second holocaust, fuck doll, i hope he and his entire family is stabbed to death by paki rapefugees, fuck (((froot))), i hope a hamas rocket goes through his window and blows up him and groomer dot cparty servers. Fuck everyone who supports the this pedophile tranny groomer site.

>bbbut we are against le cordtroons and groomers and insert latest boogeyman

You are the pedophiles. You are the ones post furry scat porn, nikocado avocado's prolapsed shit covered asshole, dead baby gore and child porn on innocent sites so fucking 10 year olds get exposed to it. You seethe about normal porn while posting the most depraved shit i, someone who has been on the internet for 30 years, both deep and surface web have ever fucking seen in my life. You cope when people bring this up by saying "muh shitee culchur". And you're right. Child porn, dead babies and some faggot's worm infested asshole is your culture. You don't like regular porn, because it shows human sex, which you will never have. You claim to be against trannies, but your discord servers are full of them, your mainly underage userbase "goons" (their words, not mine, you invented that term) to them, and you "redpill" innocent kids on DA TROOOOONS so they are exposed to it at an early age and can be more easily groomed into it.

>but were were base-i mean keyed chuds

Shut the fuck up. If you were opposed to trannies, which you aren't, id side with the trannies. You yourselves are a branch of the tranny groomer tree. The evidence:

Your userbase is so underage that they call each other 'teens, frequently post about how everyone else at their middle school makes fun of them because they're obsessed retards actively being groomed into trannydom, they encourage each other to post nudes (an actual 10 year old posted his dick here), roleplay having gay sex and cut themselves.

Nigger dick, gay man's ass and dead baby spam is encouraged actively by the mods and amin, some of them even post it themselves. CP is less obviously encouraged, mainly through jannies letting it stay up on the front page for hours. All this, while straight irl and anime porn is banned in seconds. This is because the admins want soyteens trooned out, gay and obsessed with both racist shit (tnd) and nigger penises. They don't want them engaging in normal, healthy activities for males their age.

Dangerous irl activities are encouraged, such as irl trolling (eg some soyteen retard left a shitjak on the front yard of the creator of monument mythos, had alex been awake, the retard would've been rightfully shot), posting nudes (the site doesn't delete exif data, meaning someone could track down your exact address through the automatic location given to all digitally taken photos) and "soyspeaking" irl (at best, you will be ridiculed at worst you'll be rightfully beaten to death) are encouraged

EPI through nikocado avocados ass and nigger dick as well as EGI through cp and dead children is encouraged, leading to a complete detachment from reality.


In conclusion: The site "soyjaks dot party" is (was) a site for pedophiles and troons to groom vulnerable teenagers and children into racism, neonazism, homosexuality, transgenderism, pedophilia and zoophilia. It is (was) also a hotbed for illegal activities such as possession and distribution of child sexual abuse material and gore, doxxing and harassment, that would've gotten it shut down (much earlier) was it not registered in countries where laws against these things do not exist.


Ending note: I will make it a personal goal to get your site shut down. I will report every instance of CP to the FBI, i will interrupt every "raid" and doxx you try to do, i will campaign to shut down the site and will get people with more influence than me to support me. I will prevent minors from accessing your site, i will warn everyone you try to doxx, and every twitch streamer you try to raid to get more vulnerable minors to the site. I will succed. You will hopefully be arrested