Anonymous ID: 70698d Feb. 17, 2024, 6:21 a.m. No.20429058   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The only debate is whether or not he's just Toilet_Boy all grow'd up or Not_Toilet who just so happened to be here as well since the beginning.

He's just a classic oldfag /pol/lack shitposter that was around when Q showed up and started following him wherever he migrated to.

I think he's often brilliant with the shit he comes up with (Pedo Space Masons - still kek'ing over that one) - but, yeah, you have to sit through a lot of cringe as well.

Personally, I'd say he was at his peak during the Yellow Background Meme days circa '19/'20.

I stol't a few of his back then.