Anonymous ID: 12699d Jan. 23, 2024, 11:36 a.m. No.20289870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9881 >>9896 >>9904 >>9917 >>0160 >>0240 >>0357 >>0496 >>0584 >>0629

X to Ramp up Censorship of 'Antisemitism and Hate Speech' in Wake of Musk Visit to Auschwitz, CEO Says


Twitter/X is going to ramp up censorship of "antisemitism and hate speech" in the wake of Elon Musk's visit to Auschwitz, X CEO Linda Yaccarino announced on Monday.


From X:


Safeguarding Information Independence and Combating Hate Speech


By Linda Yaccarino | Monday, 22 January 2024


Building an Indispensable Global Town Square


Faced with the option of a future dependent on gatekeepers and moderators that restrict the free flow of information or a world where information flows freely – I choose information independence. Here’s why.


As someone whose career was built around entertainment and news organizations I know the impact information can have on communities and culture. Joining X has been liberating, because it’s a place for everyone to freely be themselves. That freedom and society’s progress requires information independence: the free exchange of ideas, information and knowledge through freedom of speech. To drive humanity forward, society must empower people to express their thoughts, make up their own minds, but also draw the line at hate. This is tough to do, but absolutely crucial.

Anonymous ID: 12699d Jan. 23, 2024, 11:49 a.m. No.20289948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0160 >>0357 >>0496 >>0568 >>0584 >>0629

Trump Loses Gag Order Fight in Jack Smith DC Case


A federal appeals court on Tuesday denied Trump’s request to reconsider its decision to uphold Judge Tanya Chutkan’s order enforcing Jack Smith’s gag order against the former president.


Last month the DC Circuit Court of Appeals largely upheld but narrowed Judge Tanya Chutkan’s gag order against Trump in Jack Smith’s bogus election interference case.


“We agree with the district court that some aspects of Mr. Trump’s public statements pose a significant and imminent threat to the fair and orderly adjudication of the ongoing criminal proceeding, warranting a speech-constraining protective order,” the DC appeals court ruled last month, according to NBC News. “The district court’s order, however, sweeps in more protected speech than is necessary. For that reason, we affirm the district court’s order in part and vacate it in part.”


Trump’s lawyers have been fighting Chutkan’s gag order since she first imposed it in November.


The gag order prevented Trump from criticizing Jack Smith or any of his prosecutors or staffers, any of the Court’s staff or supporting personnel or any ‘witnesses.’


In early December a federal appeals court upheld most of the gag order except for the part where Trump isn’t allowed to criticize Jack Smith. Trump is allowed to criticize the special counsel.


The court said Trump “does not have an unlimited right to speak.”


President Trump’s lawyers in mid-December requested an “en banc” hearing which would be a review from the Court’s entire slate of 11 judges – or for the three-judge panel to rehear arguments against Chutkan’s gag order.


On Tuesday, the three-judge panel that originally ruled against Trump (Judge Patricia Millett, Obama appointee, Judge Cornelia Pillard, Obama appointee, and Judge Bradley Garcia, Biden appointee) denied Trump’s request to reconsider its gag order decision.


The Messenger reported:


A federal appeals court on Tuesday denied Donald Trump’s request for it to reconsider its decision mostly upholding the partial gag order against the former president in the Washington, D.C. election subversion case.

Anonymous ID: 12699d Jan. 23, 2024, 11:51 a.m. No.20289964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0003 >>0023 >>0160 >>0357 >>0496 >>0572 >>0584 >>0629

Defense Secretary Austin Claims No Credible Evidence of Misuse of U.S. Aid in Ukraine in First Appearance Post-Hospitalization Scandal, Despite Audit Showing $1 Billion Unaccounted For


In his first public appearance since the incapacitation scandal, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin addressed the contentious issue of American aid to Ukraine. Despite a recent audit revealing over $1 billion in U.S. military equipment unaccounted for, Austin firmly stated that there is “no credible evidence” of misuse or illicit diversion of this aid.


It can be recalled that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, 70, secretly had prostate cancer surgery on December 22. He was placed under general anesthesia for the operation after being gravely ill with a spreading infection and intestinal issues requiring a tube to drain his stomach. Then, on January 1, he was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland following the complications from the surgery.


The Pentagon said that Austin did not inform Joe Biden, the White House, or Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks about the medical procedure.


Austin kept just about everyone in the dark about his condition until early January, including Joe Biden, even though the U.S. is involved in conflicts in the Middle East and Europe and a hot zone in the South China Sea.


Austin’s chief of staff, Kelly Magsamen, had previously ordered an in-house investigation of the mishandling of Austin’s absence. Magsamen has been blamed in press reports for failing to notify the White House, Congress and senior DoD staff of Austin’s illness and absence because she was ill with the flu.


On Tuesday, Austin participated in the Ukraine Defense Contact Group’s video conference, which was made public by the Defense Department, marking his return to the public eye.


Austin did not explicitly address his recent hospitalization during the meeting.


“It’s great to see you all again. As you can tell, I’m joining from home today,” Austin said in his initial remarks in the monthly meeting. “I’m feeling good and looking forward to being back at the Pentagon very soon. And I’m grateful for all of your warm wishes. So thanks for working across the time zones to join us for the 18th meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group.”


The event took place against a backdrop of increasing questions regarding the transparency and efficacy of U.S. aid to Ukraine.


The Gateway Pundit previously reported that a recent Pentagon report has brought to light that over $1 billion in military aid sent to Ukraine by the United States has not been properly accounted for.

Anonymous ID: 12699d Jan. 23, 2024, 12:02 p.m. No.20290019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0047 >>0160 >>0357 >>0496 >>0584 >>0629

American Citizen Killed In The West Bank By Israeli Forces


Par for the course for the military industrial complex, the United State's interventionist foreign policy has done little to effectuate geopolitical stability across the globe. As Yemen now enters into the fray as the latest theater of war to emerge during the Biden administration's tenure, it does so without any such resolution to the wars in Ukraine and Gaza whose outcomes the White House has staked as the legacy of Joe Biden's foreign policy. If anything, the Biden administration's neoliberal approach to using conflicts in foreign countries as an opportunity to use foreign aid as a means of increasing its military contractors margins conveys the reason that the wars in Ukraine and Gaza have only escalated since Washington's decisions to intervene in each.


Escalation and a listless plan moving forward are not the only commonalities that the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza share. While the parallels are numerous, the most recent of them to emerge is the death of a United States citizen. Just like in Ukraine where US journalist Gonzalo Lira was left to rot in jail until he died, the war between Israel and Palestine has seen several US-Israeli dual citizens be killed. While Israel has been able to use those tragedies as a means of fostering US support for its war against Hamas, the most recent American citizen to die in the conflict was one who was killed by the IDF. According to Palestinian officials 17-year old Palestinian-American Tawfic Abdel Jabbar was shot and killed Friday by IDF soldiers in the West Bank.


Jabbar was a native of Louisiana whose father was president of a mosque local to his hometown of Gretna. The family chose to move to the West Bank for Jabbar's senior year of high school. Following his graduation, the deceased had planned to return to his home state of Louisiana and enroll in college at the University of New Orleans – a dream his death in the West Bank allegedly at the hands of the IDF has shattered.


Like with the imprisonment and eventual death of Gonzalo Lira in Ukraine, the US State Department has done little more than merely acknowledging Jabbar's death. "We extend our deepest condolences to the family," the State Department said. "We are working to understand the circumstances of the incident and have asked the Government of Israel for further information. Out of respect to the family during this difficult time, we have no further comment."

Anonymous ID: 12699d Jan. 23, 2024, 12:04 p.m. No.20290034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0060 >>0095 >>0110 >>0160 >>0357 >>0496 >>0584 >>0629

Trudeau's Orwellian Attack On Canadian Truckers Declared Unconstitutional


Canada's Federal Court ruled on Tuesday that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's use of the Emergencies Act in 2022 to punish protesting truckers was both unreasonable and unconstitutional.


"I have concluded that the decision to issue the Proclamation does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness — justification, transparency and intelligibility — and was not justified in relation to the relevant factual and legal constraints that were required to be taken into consideration," wrote Justice Richard G. Mosley in his ruling.


The decision follows an application for judicial review requested by the Canadian Constitution Foundation, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, and various other applicants who cried foul over the use of emergency measures to quell Freedom Convoy protests in Ottawa, which allowed the government to freeze the bank accounts of protesters, conscript tow truck drivers, and arrest people for participating in assemblies deemed illegal by Trudeau's government.


According to Mosley, Trudeau's regulations had violated Charter rights - particularly against freedom of thought, opinion and expression. The Emergencies Act order was also found to infringe on the right to security against unreasonable search and seizure.

Anonymous ID: 12699d Jan. 23, 2024, 12:19 p.m. No.20290115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0160 >>0357 >>0496 >>0584 >>0629

Scott Morrison reveals his new job working alongside an ex-CIA director after quitting as an MP


Former PM lines up two jobs post-politics

Mr Morrison will join firms with US heavy hitters


Former prime minister Scott Morrison has revealed he will take up a new job working alongside ex-CIA director Mike Pompeo.


The 55-year-old, who retired as an MP on Tuesday, is set to become vice chair of American Global Strategies, which was co-founded and chaired by Robert O'Brien who was National Security Advisor to US President Donald Trump from 2019 – 2021.


On its website the firm advertises itself as 'a boutique strategic advisory firm that looks beyond today’s headlines'.


The 55-year-old, who retired as an MP on Tuesday, is set to become vice chair of American Global Strategies, which was co-founded and chaired by Robert O'Brien who was National Security Advisor to US President Donald Trump from 2019 – 2021.


On its website the firm advertises itself as 'a boutique strategic advisory firm that looks beyond today’s headlines'.


The pact, which will deliver US nuclear submarines to Australia with American and British support, was negotiated by Mr Morrison and eventually ratified by his successor Anthony Albanese.


Former Trump Secretary of State and CIA director Mike Pompeo currently works as strategic adviser to DYNE Maritime.


Mr Morrison has sat on the backbench since the Coalition lost the 2022 federal election to Anthony Albanese's Labor party.


He revealed he will leave politics in February to 'take on new challenges in the global corporate sector and spend more time with my family'.


The ABC reported that Mr Morrison's new role is believed to be based in the US.


He has already written a memoir aimed at the Christian market with a US publisher.


'By giving advance notice of my intention to leave parliament… this will give my party ample time to select a great new candidate who I know will do what's best for our community and bring fresh energy and commitment to the job,' he said.

Anonymous ID: 12699d Jan. 23, 2024, 12:22 p.m. No.20290131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0160 >>0174 >>0177 >>0357 >>0496 >>0584 >>0629

Tasmanian former police officer Paul Reynolds used positions of authority to abuse children for three decades, interim report finds


In short: An interim report has found former police officer Paul Reynolds used his job and positions in community sport to abuse teenage boys over three decades.

Victim-survivors told an independent review his position of authority in the community made it nearly impossible to speak out about Senior Sergeant Reynolds' offending.

What's next? A final report making findings and recommendations will be handed to Tasmania's Police Commissioner in June.

A Tasmanian police officer who died by suicide while under investigation over multiple child sexual abuse offences has been described as "just the greatest groomer" in a review that details three decades of offending.


An interim report by former war crimes prosecutor Regina Weiss into Senior Sergeant Paul Reynolds' conduct, found he groomed and sexually abused teenage boys between 1988 and 2018, largely in the state's north and north-west.


It found the former police officer, football coach and administrator, and basketball umpire used his positions to groom "his victims, their parents and the small communities they lived in".


"The accounts of grooming and abuse as told by the victim-survivors, their families and observers are harrowing, shocking and devastating," Ms Weiss said in the report.


"The betrayal of trust felt by so many is evident.


"What is also shocking is that Paul Reynolds' conduct continued for over three decades despite it being known or suspected that Paul Reynolds was, at the very least, interacting inappropriately with teenage boys."


Victim-survivors told the review that Senior Sergeant Reynolds' respected position in the community made it "near impossible" to speak out about his offending.


A boy subjected to abuse more than 30 years ago told Ms Weiss "who would believe me?"


Another victim-survivor said they "wouldn't even have known who I could report to".


"Who polices the police?"


One victim-survivor described Senior Sergeant Reynolds as "just the greatest groomer".


"He was so charismatic, everyone wanted to be around him," they said.


Ms Weiss said Senior Sergeant Reynolds particularly used his position as a basketball umpire in the 1980s to groom boys, then used his involvement in local football clubs to do so in later years.


"Evidence considered by the independent review shows that Paul Reynolds used football as an initial conversation starter with teenage boys, progressing to grooming, explicit messaging in the form of text and photos and in some instances, physical sexual abuse," the report said.


Victims described telling the inquiry their story as a "40-year-old burden being lifted from my shoulders".


Another described it as giving them "a little bit of closure".