And what if anons just played guinea pig to a clandestine AI experiment functioning to see how an anon board would swing, move news, share info and dig? What if you are right? I am not saying you are but what if? Are you more aware or less of how AI could play a game with anons, are you more aware or less of working that out and combating shills and false news and weeding out good intelligence and good contributions from bad? As an aut I find this interesting more than anything and I am not wired for much emotion so I see it as a puzzle and an intrigue and for me even if Q turns out to be a game or an experiment, I have still learned a lot and there is even more to be learned if that becomes the case. You see the thing with a game of chess is that 'the moves' are what matters and the moves on this board for as long as I have watched and read and dug have all been very interesting. I'm not done with the game yet as an aut anon it is still interesting and whilst something remains interesting rather than 'solved' I'm in. Maybe detach from emotions, the emotional bias connected to outcome are a hook that drags pure mind into feeling invested in a singularity of truth. The beauty of unemotional observation is that everything has an equally none emotional value or none value content and figuring out precisely what the value of participation in this puzzle is to you personally and also collectively will have a unique value to you. I'm not shilling I have no idea what Q is to me as a final outcome, what it is to me right now in the moment is a puzzle that I am enjoying participating in solving. Kek to emotions, they cloud the autistic perfection of mind. Shadilay to all riddles and riddlers.