You just posted on a "on homophobic, racist, conspiracy site", and made no sense at all, except when you said…
>Since it's a holiday and Q isn't going to be here,
<Since their dad is gone, let's TP the house
Dead giveaway. pic related
And dead wrong, as Q posts >>2029255
Nice try faggot shill
Then why are you not using that energy to cut your chains? Free yourself.
>>2029433 ← This is a Patriot speaking
>>2029584 ← fake & gay "anon". you're not fooling anyone
If you're really concerned, call the FBI to see how those 4 open investigations are already going. Hell, ask them to open another one while you're at it
Blind #7
The absolute state of Shareblue & friends today
Think mirror.
>>2029274 agreed
The focus should be on WHY, not what