Thanks for fucking up my July 4th Q……
Q's recent triple down on his "proof" has destroyed my hope that Q, might, just might, be real…..
and then the SQUIRREL! here look at this random pic of blinds with planes and random white dude walking in the street….. WTF?
Now, after the Awan disaster (off with a slap on the wrist, and clemency for all the IT fuckery in the US House of Representatives…
After the Julian Assange fuckery….. Yep, JA in June was just a misdirection……. Wikileaks is no more……. Go back to sleep sheep……
After the beginning dog whistle back when this all began…… Here boy, come here…. Look at what I say….. Hillary and Podesta are going to be arrested……
I feel I should go back and reread the Q posts. And list out all the WRONG shit Q has posted…..
You know what I am starting to think?
What if Q is a black hat? What better way to identify the thought leaders and meme makers so that at the next election cycle, they can be rounded up and disappeared, chopping off the last hope of free thinking Americans…..
What if the 40,000 indictments, aren't for the swamp, but for the posters and meme makers of qresearch, the donald, 8 chan and half chan……
What if YOUR name is on the list?
This is no longer a game, now, is it?
What if it is YOU who will be rounded up in a mass orgy/purge of threats to the new world order, and not the pedophiles who have captured our governments?
Doesn't sound like a game anymore does it?
Thanks Q for destroying my 4th.