>Today, as Patriots, we celebrate our Independence.
Thank you, Q/POTUS, for saving our great Republic!
Happy Birthday America!!!
God Bless the USA!
>Today, as Patriots, we celebrate our Independence.
Thank you, Q/POTUS, for saving our great Republic!
Happy Birthday America!!!
God Bless the USA!
God Bless our Troops and keep them safe from harm!
Former Navy SEAL: On the 4th, I Ask Myself ‘How Would the Founders Grade Our Progress?’ https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/07/04/former-navy-seal-on-the-4th-i-ask-myself-how-would-the-founders-grade-our-progress/
"Once a civilization comes to the point where the majority no longer believe they are moral, just, and good-natured, it is not long before they are finished.
As we prepare to celebrate the independence and formation of our country this year on the 4th of July it is very important to myself and others who have fought for it to remind others of how blessed and fortunate we are to be Americans."
>Hillary communicating with Rahm