first off fuck off to the schills,I bask in your hollow tears with glee you are the ultimate Q proof, Now to you lawfags and concerenfags, you are watching a movie, Obama put into place Laws that gives the Potus the ability to have the marines detain any american citizen and detain them without charge indefinitely, even execute americans, THIS IS TRUE, they did not think Clinton would loose, this was the ultimate power grab, now FF to Mueller Potus informed mueller this is a military operation the marines are going to monitor the whole system as the potus trys to fix the system correctly, it will prove to be impossible and further expose the swamp as they try to cover for there crimes using there crooked system, Long story short none of this maters when he is ready he will have all americans that are dirt bags arrested they have everything, all your phone calls texts all of it, if you are a criminal you will be going away, now that the public has seen this he will not be looked at like a dictator when he gives the " legal order" to detain all" of them we have been invaded by dirt bags re education may be nessary
why you following Dexter?
o where those Obama pics from the Obama sealed Library what else you find in there, yes spread that picture for us there Kikey