Trump Chooses “Rush Limbaugh on Decaf” for VP
Jul 18, 2016
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RUSH: We go to the audio sound bites and we start with media montage, the Drive-Bys versus Trump. This kind of speaks for itself. It’s a montage Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We have a number of different people, both in the media and out, commenting on Mike Pence as Trump’s vice presidential nominee selection.
KELLYANNE CONWAY: He referred to himself as Rush Limbaugh on decaf.
LAURA ANTHONY: A former radio talk show host once described as Rush Limbaugh on decaf.
MARC SANDALOW: He likes to call himself Rush Limbaugh without the caffeine.
LETICIA ORDAZ: He described himself as Rush Limbaugh on decaf.
JANET WU: Once a radio talk show host when he described himself as Rush Limbaugh on decaf.
JOHN AVLON: Rush Limbaugh on decaf.
NATALIE BRAND: He described himself as the Rush Limbaugh on decaf.
ROBERT COSTA: His nickname, his moniker was Rush Limbaugh on decaf. That’s what they called Mike Pence back in the day.
DAVID BROOKS: If he was a decaf Rush Limbaugh, I don’t know what he is to Donald Trump.
JUAN WILLIAMS: Mike Pence describes himself as Rush Limbaugh on decaf.
ERIC BRADNER: Styled himself as Rush Limbaugh on decaf.
RUSH: So I wasn’t even around, I had nothing to do with the selection, and yet Trump chooses “Rush Limbaugh on Decaf” as his vice presidential running mate. That’s the theme from the Drive-Bys. (interruption) No, no. In fact, the coffee that was made here right before the show is still nice and hot ’cause we have this Thermos pot in here, so, no, I’m cool. But thank you for asking: I do not drink decaf.
Pence used to be a radio talk show host, like everybody else. And he was asked to describe himself by people, and he actually is the one that came up with the phrase, “I’m Rush Limbaugh on decaf,” which you can interpret it any number of ways. He’s conservative, he’s just not as energetic. He’s conservative, he’s not as out there. He’s a little bit more reserved, maybe a little less bombastic, whatever he meant by it. But when he said he’s Rush Limbaugh, he meant I am conservative as long as the day is long, as short as the night is short, I’m conservative. That’s what he was saying. And so that’s what they’re all harping on here.
ABC This Week. This was Sunday morning during the roundtable, George Stephanopoulos talking with Donna Brazile and the political analyst Matthew Dowd (who used to be a Republican when the Bushes were in the White House), and they’re talking about Trump naming Pence, and they had this exchange. This is Brazile and Dowd…
BRAZILE: If Trump is such a great businessman and manager, why does picking a vice president — which is one of the big tests of a presidential candidate. Why does it devolve into a clown show?
DOWD: I actually think his pick of the vice president was the first time — and I think the process… I think they messed up the process. It made it look like Keystone Cop situation.