Have you got names of the folks photographed with Alex Soros. I know the top half, of course.
How will this affect the dem voter numbers. Will any dems be left to vote for a Dem? Nimrata acts like a devil.
Scripp news cut Trump off after he accepted the win. He was talking about Nikki and her bad deads that are going to come out if she does not stop her foolish campaign/getting dems to switch parties before cheating and voting for nikki. Apparently Nikki got on the stage earlier and accepted the win in NH.
Trump has some dirt on her and maybe it is her non citizenship status or something more nefarious. Half snake?
She is really Karen. She just hasn't had to yell to get her way in public yet.
Trump does not have to be bombastic and predict his win before the elections, but imagine how pissed it makes his opponent Nikki Karen? She must be throwing her shit around the room. Everyone with her now, should duck and cover. Just saying.
pizza Hut Pizzas are rank. Have at it rabbi.
Notable: Nikki Karen Baphomet