Anonymous ID: 2fe538 Jan. 24, 2024, 1:24 a.m. No.20293999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4003 >>4024 >>4130


so fresh and so clean clean

biblefag version


What the [Ge.14:24 NKJV] obscenity [Eph.5:4 NIV] did you [Ge.18:18 NKJV] just [Ge.6:9 KJV] drink wine and then sleep with him [Ge.19:32 NIV] say about [Jn.1:22 NKJV] me, you [Ge.31:42 KJV] son of the perverse rebellious woman [1 Sm.20:30 KJV]? Were you aware [1 Ki.22:3 ISV] That I Am [Ex.3:14 KJV] full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. [Is.11:9 KJV] I have been involved in [2 Co.11:23 ISV] secret plots [Ps.64:2] too numerous to count [Ge.16:10 NIV] against the enemy that oppresseth [Nu.10:9 KJV] lo, I have [1 Ki.3:12 KJV] an hundred and forty and four thousand [Re.7:4 KJV] confirmed among you. [1 Co.1:6 ISV] I am [Ge.15:1 KJV] thoroughly trained in [Ac.22:3 NIV] camel [Mk.10:25 KJV] warfare and [Is.27:8 NIV] I am the Almighty God; [Ge.17:1 KJV] thy redeemer, [Is.41:14 KJV] spoken of throughout the whole world. [Ro.1:8 KJV] Indeed you are nothing, [Is.41:24 NKJV] but another [De.28:30 ISV] soul that eateth blood, [Le.17:10 KJV] I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee [1 Sm.17:46 KJV] with precision [2 Tm.2:15 ISV] I have not seen [De.33:9 KJV] from time immemorial, [Ez.4:15 ISV] let this be known to you, and heed my words. [Ac.2:14 KJV] Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine [Pr.12:20 KJV] speaking thoughtlessly with his lips to do evil [Le.5:4 NKJV] from afar [Jb.36:3 KJV] shall not be unpunished: [Pr.11:21 KJV] think on these things [Pp.4:8 KJV] to defile thyself therewith [Le.18:23 KJV]. As we [Ge.26:29 KJV] speak, I [Ge.50:4 KJV] sent secret messengers [2 Sm.15:10 NIV] across the surface of the whole earth, [Da.8:5 NKJV] you are being [Ex.25:40 ISV] traced. [Ps.77:19 ISV] Be thou prepared, and prepare for [Ez.38:7 KJV] the storm [Jb.21:18 KJV] maggot [Jb.25:6 NKJV]. A great storm [Mk.4:37] will wipe out your [1 Ki.21:21 NIV] pathetic [Neh.4:2 ISV] existence [Micah.5:2 ISV]. You [Ge.2:16 ISV] are exceedingly [Ps.123:3 KJV] dead child [1 Ki.3:20 KV]. Do not I fill heaven and earth? [Je.23:24 KJV] for all time [De.4:40 NV], and shall kill you [Mt.24:9 KJV] in one of [Le.5:4 KJV] seven hundred seventy and seven [Ge.5:31 KJV] ways with [La.3:9 KJV] bare hands [Jg.14:6 NIV]. Not only [Ge.41:21 ISV] perfectly trained [Lk.6:40 NKJV] my hands for war, my fingers for battle [Ps.144:1 NIV] ; but I [Ge.19:19 NKJV] always have access to [Mt.18:10 ISV] every kind of war weapon [1 Chr.12:33 ISV] available to God: [2 Chr.29:12 ISV] I will use them to [Jg.2:22 NIV] rain down my righteousness [Is.45:8 NIV] and remove your filthiness [Ez.22:15 NKJV] from the Book of Life. [Re.3:5 ISV] you, little [1 Jn.2:12 KJV] human dung [Ez.4:12 ISV]. But if ye had known what [Mt.12:7 KJV] divine retribution [Is.35:4 ISV] your little [Ge.45:19 KJV] clever [Ge.3:1 ISV] comment [Ac.24:22 ISV] has brought upon you [2 Sm.16:8 NKJV] Maybe you [Zp.2:3 ISV] should remain silent [1 Co.14:28 ISV], And hold Your tongue [Hb.1:13 NKJV]. You could not [Is.48:5 NIV] You did not [Ge.21:26 NIV]; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. [Ga.6:7 NKJV] be damned [Mk.16:16 KJV] idiot [Jb.11:12 NASB]. God shall cast the fury of his wrath upon him, and shall rain it upon him while he is eating [Jb.20:23 KJV] which drown men in destruction and perdition. [1 Tm.6:9 KJV] You shall be [Ge.41:40 NIV] blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous [Ps.69:28 KJV], cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. [Re.20:10 KJV] You are utterly [De.7:24 ISV] dead child [1 Ki.3:20 KJV].