>Why was this post deleted?
>Welcome to Q Research
Welcome to the dead internet. Seems like you already know why it's dead.
>Hippa is not how they spy. there are 36 agencies that do it.
That's not what that's about it's about what happens when EHRs have accurate vaccination information. Just because the CIA and NSA know the vaccines they're using to poison you are actively poisoning you as they intend doesn't mean your doctor does.
>each state can easily determine what all the injections are doing to people
You can wish in one hand and shit in the other
>smith mundt modernization act
Sadly because of this, you can't trust medical data right now eitherโฆ Welcome to the insane asylum.
Yea, it's fucking sad to know everything you see or hear is based on fucking lies. I'd argue to my fucking death that this is a direct violation of the 1st Amendment. This isn't just medicine, it's every TV show you've ever watched, it's every website, it's fucking everything.
>Identity problem.
The government no longer follows the constitution.
>Find solution.
That's not black-pilled, that's just reality, and reality is sad.
>Identity problem.
The government no longer follows the constitution.
>Find solution.
That's not black-pilled, that's just reality, and reality is sad.
This is the exact moment military arrests would make the most sense, all branches fully treasonous.