Anonymous ID: 5d33df Jan. 24, 2024, 5:48 p.m. No.20297981   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Michael Patrick Leahy – Sources: The Jeff DeWit “Message Came From The NRSC” aka Mitch McConnell


January 24, 2024 | Sundance


Michael Patrick Leahy appears on Steve Bannon War Romm discussing, in part, the Jeff DeWit message to Kari Lake and who from “back east” was the originator of the message to bribe Mrs Lake to stay out of the Arizona senate race. {Direct Rumble Link}


As expected, the sources for MPL’s report outline that Mitch McConnell and the National Republican Senatorial Committee originated the proposal. This should not be a surprise to anyone who reads CTH. The NRSC is primarily funded by the biggest lobbying group, the U.S Chamber of Commerce. The USCoC fund the legislative priorities of the Senate and Mitch McConnell does their bidding. In essence the bribe money would come from the USCoC into the NRSC.


Again, this is not a surprise. Mitch McConnell cannot control the Senate outcomes if he doesn’t have full control of the GOP Senators therein. It is a collaborative relationship between McConnell and the Chamber of Commerce lobbying group.


The CoC provides the money, McConnell gives the instructions. It’s not complicated, it’s corrupt.


A similar arrangement exists with the Republican National Committee and the Republican Governor’s Association, that’s how the USCoC funds the RGA who in turn gives Ron DeSantis $20 million. All of the lobbying money flows from the multinational corps into the various political groups (NRSC, NRCC, RGA, RNC) who then have political operatives carry out the instructions. It’s the business end of politics.


There are trillions at stake, upstream.

Anonymous ID: 5d33df Jan. 24, 2024, 6 p.m. No.20298047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8080

Sharyl Attkisson






To summarize:

Democrat party cancelled its Iowa caucuses for the 1st time in history this yr.

Instead, Democrats are holding a weeks-long mail-in vote for Iowans where results won't be announced until the SC primary.

Democrat party also cancelled NH primary so that SC can be 1st primary.

NH Democrat votes and delegates won't count for the D primary.

This is all because Biden doesn't show well in Iowa or NH.

Ex-Democrat RFK, Jr. left the party after he says the Democrat party "rigged" the nomination for Biden in a style reminiscent of a dictatorship.

Democrat Marianne Williamson says the Democrat party is rigging the race for Biden.

There were so many "anomalies" in the Iowa Democrat caucus last time, AP didn't even call a winner because the results were so "unreliable."

When Bernie Sanders ran against Hillary Clinton in the Iowa caucuses, his supporters said the caucuses were rigged to miscount his supporters for her.

The then-head of the Democratic National Committee, a CNN consultant, got caught leaking info about questions for a CNN town hall to Hillary to give her an advantage over Bernie.

Make no mistake, Republicans have also schemed unfairly to favor certain candidates and try to crush others.

The two parties have created an unelected, extra-Constitutional power structure that interferes with elections and denies us the chance to vote for the full range of candidates of our choice.

They are ruled by corporate and other money interests and, in turn, rule Congress and determine who gets which positions, and what issues get handledand how and which ones get buried.

In this way, federal agencies (overseen by Congress) and courts (with federally-appointed judges) are also corrupted.

We don't stand a chance in this paradigm. This is a big reason why things often seem so upside down.

Anonymous ID: 5d33df Jan. 24, 2024, 6:03 p.m. No.20298067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8072

Brian Peotter







We Love Trump!

Any military age illegal alien in the United States without ID, should be drafted to Ukraine armed forces.


Immigration will dry up quick and those who are here will bail fast.