Anonymous ID: 6f794e Jan. 24, 2024, 4:25 p.m. No.20297492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7585 >>7838 >>8015 >>8080

British Investor And Billionaire Businessman Joseph Lewis Pleads Guilty To Insider Trading Scheme

Anonymous ID: 6f794e Jan. 24, 2024, 4:28 p.m. No.20297510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7585 >>7838 >>8015 >>8080

Investigators dismantle fentanyl drug trafficking network in Eastern Panhandle - 82 people charged

Anonymous ID: 6f794e Jan. 24, 2024, 4:30 p.m. No.20297518   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Pharmaceutical Executive Pleads Guilty to Falsifying Financial Documentation

Anonymous ID: 6f794e Jan. 24, 2024, 4:57 p.m. No.20297677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7695 >>7707 >>7838 >>8015 >>8080

Relations between Māori and NZ government deteriorate as details of controversial bill leak


New Zealand once enjoyed a favourable reputation on race relations, but fewer than 100 days into the new government, Māori leaders have slammed its agenda as a "white supremacist approach".


That strong language is coming from a co-leader of The Māori Party, but Prime Minister Christopher Luxon is facing criticism from several sources as well as mounting legal challenges.


In the space of a week, a legal document leaked from the Ministry of Justice has shed some light on a controversial bill being drafted that aims to rewrite the principles of New Zealand's founding document — the Treaty of Waitangi.


And the Māori King, Te Arikinui Tūheitia Paki, held the first national hui — or meeting of Māori — in a decade to discuss the government's agenda.


While 3,000 people were expected to attend the hui, more than 10,000 showed up.


Then, on Wednesday, a senior Māori leader issued a warning: "If there is any measure of meddling with Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Māori will not sit idly by."


This is all against a backdrop of protests and legal challenges as Māori organisations try to halt some of the government's policy changes that they say will disproportionately impact New Zealand's first people.


Co-leader of Te Pati Māori (The Māori Party) Debbie Ngarewa-Packer told the ABC that Māori leaders will "continue to grow the resistance".


"I think it's a humiliating state for this government to be in when the rest of the world can see that there are strong accusations coming from Māori," she said.


"They are being called an anti-Māori government, they're being called out as practising white supremacy in how they're trying to diminish our Māori language, how they're trying to diminish initiatives that help us to stay alive."


Mr Luxon denied that characterisation.


"I outright reject it and I think it's entirely inappropriate. I think it's very offensive and I think it's very divisive and very unhelpful," he told a press conference on Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: 6f794e Jan. 24, 2024, 5:03 p.m. No.20297708   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tasmanian Supreme Court Justice Gregory Geason faces additional criminal charges in New South Wales


Justice Gregory Geason has been charged with criminal offences in New South Wales, in addition to two earlier charges in Tasmania, which he has pleaded not guilty to.

The NSW charges are in relation to allegations he breached an apprehended domestic violence order on three dates.

What's next? The judge will appear in the Hobart Magistrates Court on February 6, and has been summonsed to appear in the Downing Centre Local Court on February 22.

A Tasmanian Supreme Court judge is facing additional criminal charges over offences allegedly committed in New South Wales.


NSW Police confirmed it had charged Gregory Geason, 62, with breaching an apprehended domestic violence order on November 20, November 27 and November 29.


He has been summonsed to appear in the Downing Centre Local Court on February 22.


Last month, Justice Geason pleaded not guilty in the Hobart Magistrates Court to charges of emotional abuse or intimidation, and common assault.


Particulars of the Tasmanian charges included "verbal abuse" and "striking", tracking a person using technology and "pressuring a person" to sign a contract.


Tasmania Police allege the judge exhibited "jealousy, rage, anger and aggression", coerced a person into "establishing a shared phone account to gain access to their electronic records", and "scrutinising their electronic devices and reviewing messages, including deleted messages".


He was granted bail on December 1 at an after-hours hearing in Hobart, which the media was barred from attending.


The court administrator said this was due to a lack of security presence at the court at the time.


Security then escorted Justice Geason out of the court, and a prosecutor helped him into an unmarked police car.


Tasmania Police said this was due to the judge having his phone seized and not being able to arrange his own transport.


Media were provided an audio copy of the hearing the next day, but Tasmanian law does not allow for reporting on the contents of bail hearings.


He will next appear in the Hobart Magistrates Court on February 6.

Anonymous ID: 6f794e Jan. 24, 2024, 5:33 p.m. No.20297894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8015 >>8080

The killing continues, but Australia’s Government stands firm in supporting Israel and criminalising Palestine


A spokesperson for The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) told MWM Australia’s position has always been “clear and consistent.”


“Since the beginning of the crisis, the Australian Government has been clear in condemning unequivocally Hamas’s 7 October terror attacks, Australia proscribed Hamas in its entirety as a terrorist organisation on 4 March 2022 under Division 102 of the Criminal Code Act 1995.


“Hamas in its entirety has been proscribed as a terrorist organisation by like-minded partners, including the United Kingdom (2021), United States (1997) and Canada (2002).


“Separately, Hamas in its entirety has been listed for counter-terrorism financing sanctions since 2001.”


Following this unequivocal condemnation of Hamas and its classification as a terrorist organisation, the DFAT spokesperson went on to say that: “in defending itself, Israel must respect international law, and that civilians and civilian infrastructure, including hospitals, must be protected.”


This rhetoric comes as Israeli-occupied forces continue their siege and storm hospitals, and demolish universities, businesses, and homes across the 360km narrow strip of land. Land that is home to some 2.3 million Palestinian refugees who were already internally displaced after illegal occupation forced them off their ancestral land.


Overnight in Gaza, more than 173 Palestinians were killed by aerial strikes, many of whom were seeking refuge in designated safe zones. This is despite the government of Benjamin Netanyahu claiming recently that IDF operations would wind down in Gaza.


At least 50 people were reported killed in Khan Younis, a safe zone Israel told civilians to evacuate to.


Israeli forces also besieged Nasser Hospital, which is the largest remaining, semi-functioning hospital in Southern Gaza.


In separate attacks across the strip, Israeli forces targeted the Palestine Red Crescent Society Head Quarters at Al Amal Hospital, arrested medical staff at Al Khair Hospital, bombed Al Aqsa University and bombed entire residential blocks in Jabalia.


This is a nightly incursion the people of Gaza have sustained for more than 100 days now.


The Gaza Strip has also been under an almost complete communications blackout for around 10 days, stifling aid and medical coordination.


Human rights abuses

Geneva-based human rights group – Euro-Med Monitor estimated that of those killed in Israeli air and artillery attacks on the Strip thus far, 92 per cent (28,951) were civilians.


Additionally, 63,354 individuals have been injured, hundreds of them critically. The Ministry of Health in Gaza reported that 400,000 people are infected with communicable diseases such as diarrhoea, acute hepatitis, and respiratory illness due to unsanitary living conditions.


In addition to the 25,500 Palestinians killed, a further 7,000, mostly children, remain missing, presumed dead.


Around 10,000 cancer patients are at risk of death, jaundice cases are increasing, 337 medical staff have been murdered, 152 UN aid workers have been murdered, 117 journalists have been murdered, 45 civil defence staff have been murdered and 7100 women are confirmed dead, with many more women experiencing reproductive violence.


There are around 50,000 expectant mothers besieged in Gaza, with an estimated 180 child births taking place each day with non-existent medical intervention or post-partum care.