Anonymous ID: eacb6e Jan. 24, 2024, 4:02 p.m. No.20297367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7370 >>7407 >>7458 >>7483 >>7585 >>7750 >>7838 >>8015 >>8080

24 Jan, 2024 22:17

Moscow pours cold water on Trump promise

Kiev is not prepared to resolve the conflict with Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said


A promise by US presidential candidate Donald Trump to put a swift end to the conflict between Moscow and Kiev ishardly realistic, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday.Ukraine does not appear to be ready to any kind of settlement, he added.


The former US president and the current Republican frontrunner has vowed on several occasions to facilitate a peace deal “within days” if he wins the upcoming election. Trump claimed that he would be able to quickly convince both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to sit down and negotiate.


“I cannot believe in something that has not materialized [yet],”Lavrov told a press conference in New York, on the sidelines of a UN Security Council meeting, when whether he thinks Trump would be able to deliver on his promise.


“We will see. I doubt that the Ukrainian side would be ready for any resolution,”the Russian minister added.


Lavrov also noted thatZelensky has already been “quite rude” in responding to Trump’s statements. The Ukrainian leader branded Trump’s ideas “very dangerous” and said he was worried the former US president was seeking to “make decisions on his own,”without either Russia or Ukraine.


There have been no contacts with the current GOP frontrunner on reaching peace with Kiev, Moscow has said. Earlier this week, Lavrov noted thatTrump’s potential return to the White House was unlikely to reverse the downward trend in relationsbetween Russia and the US, as Washington had already destroyed all the confidence-building mechanisms and was still too obsessed with its own perceived “superiority” and “impunity”to change its view of Russia.


(Anons there seems to be comms in this statement, any guesses?I always thought this was the plan with Russia and Ukraine to go to war, by Obama/Bidan to destroy the working relationship with Russia because Trump got along. Obama’s goal was to destroy Trump’s legacy because Trump destroyed his legacy. And they also didn’t want Russia to ever be thought as an ally.)

Anonymous ID: eacb6e Jan. 24, 2024, 4:17 p.m. No.20297439   🗄️.is 🔗kun

23 Jan, 2024 22:08

Zelensky ‘in very difficult situation’ – Kremlin

Kiev’s “sponsors” are running out of ammo as Ukrainians question the need for further bloodshed, Moscow has said


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is“desperately” seeking to return to a situation in which Kiev enjoyed “unlimited” fundingand weapons supplies from the West, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday. This will “never happen again” because Western nations are running out of ammunition to send to Ukraine, he added.


Zelensky is facing “really big problems” which are only getting worse, the Kremlin spokesman told Russian journalist Pavel Zarubin, sayingKiev’s goals are not achievable.


Peskov argued that Zelensky is hoping for “absolutely dominant support” at home, but instead, an increasing number ofUkrainians are beginning to questionwhether Kiev is just “prolonging this absolutely senseless bloodshed.”


The Kremlin spokesman also pointed to a recent decree signed by Zelensky declaring six internationally recognized Russian regions to be “historically inhabited by Ukrainians.”The move was simply a frantic attempt to distract from the worsening situation in Ukraine itself, he said, calling the claims “illogical and absurd.”


Zelensky “should have long understood what must be done to stop it all,” Peskov said, referring to the conflict with Moscow, which is about to enter its third year. “Yet, he does not want to,” he added.


Instead, the Ukrainian president is resorting to “ideological” moves to “launch claims on Russian territories,” he said, insisting that Moscow will continue its military operation until its goals are achieved.


Russia has repeatedly said it is open to peace talks with Ukraine, as long as its interests and the reality on the ground are acknowledged. Moscow is willing to reach a solution “which would guarantee [the] legitimate national interests of Russia and the Ukrainian people,”Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told CBS in an interview published on Tuesday.


Ukraine has refused to sit down at the negotiating table with Russia, with Zelensky singing a decree ruling out any talks between him and Putin in autumn 2022. Instead, Kiev has tried to garner support for its own plan, the ‘Zelensky peace formula’, which demands Russia withdraw its troops from all territories claimed by Ukraine before any talks begin. The list of demands also includes reparations from Russia and a tribunal for its leadership.


Moscow has dismissed the demands as “absurd” and has said that any talks on conflict resolution without Russia are pointless. Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis echoed this opinion earlier in January, saying any talks would have to involve Moscow “one way or the other.”

Anonymous ID: eacb6e Jan. 24, 2024, 4:24 p.m. No.20297481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7515 >>7760

25 Jan, 2024 00:11

Zelensky reacts to deaths of POWs in plane crash

The Ukrainian leader has called for an international probe into the downing of the Russian Il-76


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky on Wednesday disagreed with Moscow's claim that Kiev’s air defenses shot down the Russian plane carrying 65 Ukrainian POWs scheduled to be exchanged.


According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Il-76 military transport was transporting 65 Ukrainian captives when it was shot down by a Ukrainian missile over Belgorod Region. Six Russian crew members and three officials were also on board. There were no survivors.


”We must determine all the hard facts – as much as possible,given that the plane crashed on Russian territory,” Zelensky said in a video published on his website.


He added that the Ukrainian authorities are investigating the incident and working to “determine the fate of all POWs.”


“Our country will be insisting on an international investigation,” the president said,accusing Moscow of “playing with the lives of Ukrainian POWs.” He did not name a culprit in the destruction of the IL-76, however.


Several Ukrainian media outlets and journalists initially cited sources as saying that the aircraft was “transporting missiles” and was shot down by Ukrainian troops. They quickly deleted their original reports after Russia revealed that the plane was carrying Ukrainian captives.


The Russian MOD insisted that Kiev was “well aware” that the captives would have been transported on a military plane to an airfield near the Russian city of Belgorod, from where they would have been taken to an exchange point. Ukrainian military intelligence agency GUR claimed that they had not been informed in advance about the route, or the means, of the prisoners’ transportation.


Meanwhile, the Ukrainian General Staff released a statement saying that Russia has been using transport planes to resupply Belgorod with missiles used to strike Kharkov, and that the planes were therefore a legitimate military target. It did not mention any prisoners, though.


Russia requested to convene an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss the incident. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told reporters that “Ukrainian propaganda” has been frantically “trying to concoct other explanations” since the information about the passengers of the doomed flight was revealed. France, which chairs the council this month, said it could call for a session on Thursday afternoon.


(Here we go Zelensky laying blame elsewhere hoping that an international investigation blames Russia. He is desperate because they killed their own POWs.)

Anonymous ID: eacb6e Jan. 24, 2024, 4:41 p.m. No.20297583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7601

16 Jan, 2024 18:37


Zelensky threatens Putin’s grandchildren


The Ukrainian leader got personal in his speech at the Davos World Economic Forum


Ukrainian President VladimirZelensky has threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin’s entire family with “criminal trials” and long prison sentences, during a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Tuesday.


Zelensky’s address to the gathering of aspiring global leaders focused on asking for more weapons, money, and ammunition so he could continue to fight Russia. At one point, however, he made a reference to the Russian leader’s family.


Putin will not “rest in peace, both in this world and in the next,” said Zelensky. "Neither his children, nor his grandchildren.”


The Russian leader is “the sole reason why various wars and conflicts persist” and he must be held accountable so his “aggression”doesn’t embolden other “autocracies,”Zelensky insisted.


“Yes, we are not terrorists, and therefore these will be criminal trials,” after which Putin and his entire family would spend “a long, multi-year vacation” behind bars, he added.


Zelensky has repeatedly insisted that Ukraine does not engage in terrorism, while admitting he would have Putin assassinated if the opportunity arose. The Ukrainian security service, the SBU, has operated a dedicated assassination unit since 2015, according to its former chief.


TheWashington Post recently highlighted the SBU’s campaign of assassinationswhile attempting to deflect any blame from the CIA, which is deeply embedded in Ukrainian intelligence.


Ukraine has targeted local Russian officials, as well as journalists such as Darya Dugina and Vladlen Tatarsky. Writer Zakhar Prilepinsurvived an assassination attempt, while Russian security services thwarted a SBU hit on RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan in November.


Zelensky’s mention of Putin’s grandchildren came just a day after Anne Applebaum – an American journalist and wife of Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski –claimed that the Russian president “has a grandson with Dutch citizenship.”Her source was an associate of Alexey Navalny, a Russian blogger imprisoned for embezzlement.


The Russian president was married from 1983 to 2013 and has two daughters, who have stayed out of the media spotlight. His ex-wife, Lyudmila Ocheretnaya, was sanctioned by the UK in 2022.


(At first I thought this was crazy and Zelensky would be assassinated himself. But then I thought, Zelensky wants out and will fake his death and disappear with all his stolen money. And then the West can blame it on Putin and Russia to start a larger war.This is a dangerous game Zelensky is playing.)

Anonymous ID: eacb6e Jan. 24, 2024, 5:09 p.m. No.20297750   🗄️.is 🔗kun


One important thing to be aware of, for the last couple of days, RT mentioned in two articles, that Russia has had no contact with Trump or the prior administration. Look at the picture they use. Passing the ball time?


22 Jan, 2024 15:02

No contact with Trump – Kremlin

The former US president had earlier promised to solve the Ukraine crisis within 24 hours if reelected


Russia has not held any talks with former US presidentand now GOP frontrunner Donald Trump about settling the Ukraine conflict, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday.


In recent months, Trump has on several occasions promised to bring an end to the fighting between the neighboring states – which is about to enter its third year – within just 24 hours if he gets back into the Oval Office.


He also claimed that he would be able to quickly end the crisis by sitting down with both Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and exploiting what he called both their weaknesses and strengths. The ex-president also did not rule out the possibility that Ukraine might have to cede some territory to Russia in order to reach a peace deal.


Trump’s campaign promises to end the conflict,Peskov noted that Moscow “has no idea how this could be accomplished.” “There have been no contacts on this issue.”


Meanwhile, Zelensky also weighed in on Trump’s comments last week, admitting that his promise sounded “a little scary.” He noted that the former US leader did not provide any details about his initiative, and also expressed concern that potentially it could ignore Ukrainian interests.


Peskov and Zelensky’s comments come after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Sunday became the latest Republican presidential candidate to drop out of the White House race. DeSantis, who was widely seen as the 45th US president’s main rival in the GOP primary, has now publicly endorsed Trump.


The only GOP contender besides Trump still in the race remains Nikki Haley, who served in his administration as US ambassador to the UN, although she is trailing her former boss in polls.


Meanwhile, according to the Decision Desk HQ/The Hill polling aggregator, which takes into account numerous surveys, Trump leads incumbent Joe Biden by 1% in a potential 2024 re-match (44% vs. 43%). At the same time, a November New York Times/Siena poll found that Biden was trailing the GOP frontrunner in five out of six swing states.

Anonymous ID: eacb6e Jan. 24, 2024, 5:14 p.m. No.20297782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7820 >>7831 >>7838 >>8015 >>8080

OMG this is Great: Charles Payne Defends Half of America from Biden Attacks and Democrat Vitriol


January 24, 2024 | Sundance |


Fox News host Charles Payne was on a panel discussion about USA politics and the Trump support in New Hampshire. After some back and forth about MAGA voters, Charles Payne unloads on Biden and the Democrats for ridiculing half the country. WATCH:

Anonymous ID: eacb6e Jan. 24, 2024, 5:21 p.m. No.20297820   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Many of these people on the panel were degrading Trump this morning about his win. There were only 3 there that thought Bidan was smearing MAGA every chance he gets. Martha McCallum is a lying hypocrite and Brett Bair called AZ at 8 pm on Nov 3, 2020


Thank God for Charles Payne

Anonymous ID: eacb6e Jan. 24, 2024, 5:39 p.m. No.20297936   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Trey Gowdy is just like all the losers who worked for or with Trump. A bunch of crybabies. Gowdy is the biggest coward of all time. These people turn on a dime.Its in the FOX contract to betray Trump


So disappointing, very few make it out of DC a patriotic American

Anonymous ID: eacb6e Jan. 24, 2024, 5:55 p.m. No.20298020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8080

Nancy Mace: "Every Town Has Become A Border Town, Even In South Carolina". MS13 gang arrested human trafficking, drug trafficking, etc in SC



Anonymous ID: eacb6e Jan. 24, 2024, 6:11 p.m. No.20298104   🗄️.is 🔗kun


McCarthy is putting millions into a Bush Candidate to rum against Mace, because she was the final vote that Vacated him as speaker. He’s aligned with the Bush’s and Rove. He needs to be arrested, and defeated. What was his war chest $72 million or more. He learned well from Pelosi, Schumer and McConnell.