Planefag Report - 4 July 2018
OK, let's get into it. 2-MSTG headed from Shoreham to London, then to jersey and onto Franc. I lost it SW of Lyon. I also caught the Hungarian Air Force off the coast of Lebanon, deeply spoopy.
Planefag Report - 4 July 2018
OK, let's get into it. 2-MSTG headed from Shoreham to London, then to jersey and onto Franc. I lost it SW of Lyon. I also caught the Hungarian Air Force off the coast of Lebanon, deeply spoopy.
Part 2
I couldn't work out if the Dutch Air Force were part of teh exercise or wanting to sneak off. so I took some shots. I caught SAM673 heading home in the early hours (US time) and a Qatari Almiri flight headed back to Europe.
Part 3
2-AUER thinks it's done enough to put us planefags to sleep by pootling around Poland, so it sneaked off to the Netherlands today. Such a shame that I caught it. The Swedes were headed possibly to Barcelona, although ADS-B was being seriously screwed with today.
Part 4
a7HHM eventually landed at Nice, so I checked the Arrivals lists for spoopiness and found quite a bit that needs some digging, lots of private airlines and NetJets, Warren Buffett's spoopy airline.
2-AVCO was heading back from Southern Europe and went as far as the Baltic when I lost track of it.
Another Qatari flight and a Belgian Air Force Falcon that caught my eye.
That's it for today.
Roger R7, thanks. Today was really testing as far as tracking was concerned. Europe was like the bloody Bermuda Triangle!
I didn't catch much but I hope that what I did catch was significant, especially as now we know 2-AUER is trying to get about again.