Anonymous ID: 4d04f7 Jan. 25, 2024, 6:13 a.m. No.20300504   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0511 >>0573






NEW - At least 1,259 employees of the Evangelical Church in Germany accused of sexual abuse: "Tip of the iceberg" โ€” n-tv

Anonymous ID: 4d04f7 Jan. 25, 2024, 6:25 a.m. No.20300552   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Joseph A. Camp






DB Cooper's DNA about to be analyzed. Obtained from a clip on tie left at the scene of the hijacking.


They will be doing metagenomic DNA testing, which seperates each INDIVIDUAL strained of DNA. This means that if there is a dog, or any other DNA they will know. They will also be able to know if DB Cooper came into contact with others, and can discern children, adults, etc. By then comparing against contemporary DNA databases they can determine if anyone known is a family member or him.

Anonymous ID: 4d04f7 Jan. 25, 2024, 6:32 a.m. No.20300588   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Padraig Martin









A Case for Secession 2.0: Texas vs the United States


The historically illiterate who blame slavery for "the Civil War" cannot conceive of any scenario whereby other reasons exist - then and now - for a dissolution of the Union. The fact is that the South is a distinct national identity entirely foreign to the Yankee. That does not necessarily make all Yankees "bad," they are just not Southerners.


From politics to social norms to faith to racial identity, the South has very little in common with the rest of the "United" States. Historical differences have existed from the inception of the Constitution. The reluctance of the South in the 1780s to join a "union in perpetuity" is the very reason that the "perpetuity" line was struck from the new Constitution after it replaced the Articles of Confederation (which had such a clause). The War of Northern Agression was never about slavery. It was about the north forcing the South to remain in a "voluntary" union.


Today, we see the events unfolding in Texas, whereby the Governor of Texas is rightfully defying a Supreme Court and Presidency that lacks historical and national clarity. It is a reminder of three things. First, history is more complex than Marxists would allow you to explore and just as it was in 1861, the events unfolding on the border are more than just "mean Texans hating Mexicans." This is about fundamental states rights versus a federal government attempting to impose its transformative will on a sovereign people from thousands of miles away. The events of 1861 and 2024 are not specifically racial. They are fundamentally ideological, which is an outgrowth of race.


Secondly, "perpetual unions" perpetually fail when national distinctions become obvious. The Founding Fathers knew that and as such, they attempted to create a framework with a weak federal government designed to entice interstate cooperation, not impose federal dictates. As students of history, the Founders saw the rise and fall of republics. We are only two generations removed from people who remember the "perpetual" Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires. Many Baby Boomers were born during the twilight of the British Empire - upon which "the sun never set." Within my own lifetime, we watched the "perpetual" Soviet Union disintegrate and return to independent nation-states. There is no such thing as a perpetual union, especially when the parties of that union are so intensely at odds.


Finally, the United States is a "country" philosophically at odds with itself. Which is more important to the American "patriot" - the Constitution (or at least its European originating ideals) or a Union whereby almost half the states oppose those ideals in their very political and social mechanations? There is no chance of a reconciliation of two diametrically opposed visions for the future of America. States such as Texas and Florida are fighting for their collective lives against the destructive force of unmitigated illegal migration at the same time that Illinois, New York, and California are creating sanctuary policies and communities. Those parties and residents within those states will never see eye-to-eye with one another. It is time for the American patriot to choose: save the Constitution and/or its principles OR save the Union and watch the Constitution melt away as the United States turns into something that is socially and ideologically foreign - thanks to open border policies and increased democracy. One cannot have both.


In sum, it has been apparent for some time that this union does not work. It has been apparent for more than 160 years. A new framework - preferably a peaceful divorce - is necessary. If territory is important to the Yankee, he should consider a union with his northern neighbor - Canada - with whom the Yankee has more in common ideologically and even demographically than he does with the South. Let us depart and tend to our own needs, such as the border, as we deem fit. We can create our own Constitution while they create something more suitable to their ideological needs.