Anonymous ID: dddeb2 Jan. 25, 2024, 2:59 a.m. No.20299971   🗄️.is 🔗kun

News 2024-01-25 Thursday

$oros' jihad, Gates' girrrls, WW3 theaters


  1. ConUS

1. Citizen Journalism Showing Up at the Ballot Box | Clandestine | Elon's Twitter heralds Trumpocalypse

2. The Fix is In – Trump Goes to Prison | Martin Armstrong | Cabal trillionaire Soros calls the shot.

3. Terrorists Mock America While Crossing the Border | Martin Armstrong | jihadis in ConUS

4. The Right Cannot Win a “Civil War” | Identity Dixie | secession still winnable. | Obama's gay USMIL

5. Patriot Front | patriotic but infiltrated

  1. Depopulation

1. In Early 2020, A Chinese Source Trusted By FBI Said COVID Leaked From Wuhan Lab, Sources Say | ZeroHedge | Lying Feds

2. 22% of households who took the shots have a COVID vaccine injury | Steve Kirsch

3. The Future They've Chosen For Us Is One Where Your Standard of Living Will Reduce by 85%. | Tree of Woe | Gray Agenda: transhumanist depopulation

4. Bill Gates Launches Global Tracking Tattoos | Showed Off "Vaccine" Patches at WEF in Davos | 2nd Smartest Guy in the World | culling cattle

  1. Sex

1. Femininity

2. Higher Education and the Decline of Marriage | VD| Shaming single men failed to stop the marriage decline

3. Holy wood or Hollywood

  1. Tech

1. Scientific journal publishers and editors say they are being offered bribes | HN | Trust the $cience

2. Kagi search reached 20k paying members | Joogle alternative

3. Nick Fuentes Should Not be Reinstated on Twitter/X | Travis LeBlanc | advocate violence on your own platform

  1. WW3

1. Overview

1. Escobar: The Ukraine Charade, Revisited | by Pepe Escobar | WW3: Russo-China vs Globohomo

2. Global SITREP for Wednesday, 24 January 2024 | Biden pushes to give Ukraine' Russia's frozen $300 bn | Taiwan would fall to coast-guard "quarantine"

2. Ukraine

1. The Art of Never Learning | VD| Belgium donates interest from Russia's frozen assets to Ukraine | Russia will retaliate

2. The Draft Comes Back | VD| to Sweden and UK, vs Russia

3. Requiem for Ukraine | The tragic death of a nation | Frank Wright | evil US imperialism doomed them

3. Middle East

1. Iranian Axis Grinds Down US' Will as Israel Suffers Stunning Setbacks | Simplicius The Thinker | Biden to flee Syria and Iraq

2. No Help From Beijing | VD | China blames Red Sea Houthi blockade on Gazacaust & condemns US attacks on Yemen

4. East Asia

1. Japan’s Growing Militarism: The Drums of War in Support of the American Empire | Global Research | WW3 Pacific theater

2. Geopolitics is moving North Korea’s way | Global Research | Russia allies with North Korea to oppose USA

  1. Xeno

1. The United States took Flight MH370 | by JustXAshton | nah, but orbs are real

2. Prehistoric Lines Across Malta Defy Explanation: The Cart Ruts of Misrah Ghar il-Kbir | Ancient Origins | xeno tech?

Anonymous ID: dddeb2 Jan. 25, 2024, 4:25 a.m. No.20300088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0094 >>0106 >>0295


Start-rite: rite = ritual

"put their feet first" = corpse disposal

red shoes, finger points to blood drop


Logo is of two children walking together.

When inverted in gold in shoe sole/soul, looks like two Y-heads.

"Flexibility": Looks like a person kneeling in a strait-jacket.

"Correct fit": Baby's left foot is about size 6.6

"Comfort": Black over white over red. Represents Masonic hierarchy: dark masters rule idealistic tools, with sacrifices/feeders at bottom.


Another Start-rite advertisement from same era:


Ominous themes.

Two children alone on a long forest road, like journey of life.

Town with steeple in distance represents heaven/afterlife.

Boy and girl both have captives in arms.

They represent the sheeple.



"Well begun is half-done!

  • and they'll walk happily ever after"


Themes of death in both lines.


b&w advert:


Crotch shots of both smallest children.

Mildly sexualized queer posing of eldest.

Anonymous ID: dddeb2 Jan. 25, 2024, 5:30 a.m. No.20300337   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20300166 dubs

You can build your clan now, or wait until Greatest Depression and WW3+CivilWar2 force you to depend on family.

The timing will hardly differ either way.

This is the cycle of history.

Any territory not held by patriarchal clans is a government built on sand and will eventually collapse.

The "barbarian" phase is merely the reconstitution of said clans.

You can speed it up by finding your paternal Y-DNA relatives and conspiring together now.

Once your interests become sufficiently collective, your leader(s) will intervene in wider affairs.

As an atomized "shitizen", you are but prey.

Anonymous ID: dddeb2 Jan. 25, 2024, 6:05 a.m. No.20300480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0530


One suspects the Jews, of course, but the only Joogle result was this dubious obsessive: