Anonymous ID: efe032 Jan. 25, 2024, 6:04 a.m. No.20300478   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0488 >>0573

>>20300075, >>20299957


>>20300094, >>20300118, >>20300371


Arkansas,Florida, Iowa, Idaho, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.


These states have deployed personnel and resources, demonstrating their support for Texas' border security efforts under Operation Lone Star over the past month.


Source: Texas Insider




8:24 AM ยท Jan 25, 2024ยท166.6K Views

Anonymous ID: efe032 Jan. 25, 2024, 6:33 a.m. No.20300590   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0600 >>0624



Baker, suggest adding this one into the Texas about to go hot? bun.




TEXT from screencap'


O I know how the second CiVil war starts (please read) Anonymous (ID: No.318455925

You lads have it all wrong

You think it is going to be some warlord/militia grassroots uprising, but it's actually much quicker and simpler than that.

The feds have been passing a lot Of laws the red states do not like.

This is apparent to most of you, such as the Alaskan, Idaho, and other red states laws that have already said they will not comply with the federal gun bans that are coming. Now we are looking at a 50%* capital gains tax which is more than double that of the old gains tax.

Red states will definitely have legislature ready for the moment it is signed into law to counteract the feds.

This IS the beginning of a much deeper issue that is not going away.

The normie masses, the federal government the lefties in this country believe in two things the embrace of "GET EXCITED FOR PRODUCT THEN GET EXCITED FOR NEXT PRODUCT" and compliance.

The commies, the normies the cattle of this country, thrive on compliance.

It is not only superficial this Idea of complying with a coopted moral authority (corpos, feds ect)runs thick physically, spiritually, emotionally, and intelligently.

Things such as "get the jab" have fuck all to do with the actual vaccine itself; it's about compliance; the normies need compliance; their entire worldview functions on compliance.

The moment someone steps outside of the group think approved compliance handed from the moral authority, they instantly become the enemy.

These cattle grazers could be turned into right-wing death squads in an instant if we had control, and the cultural manipulators know this, and thars why they are enacting draconian measures.


So how does the civil war start if it is not a "shot heard around the world" scenario?

It's very simple, lads. A red state will pass a law that does not comply with federal law.

The ATF, FBI, CIA, IRS come in boots fucking strapped to detain some boomer who isn't complying.

What happens next is how the war starts.

A red state who is past the point of no return orders the arrest of the federal agents who arrested one of its citizens.

So a state trooper arrests some IRS agents because they are bound by state law, and in turn, the feds send in the federal police to arrest the state troopers.

The state reacts by calling an emergency national guard order to protect state troopers from the feds.

Other red states catch a whiff Of the controversy and decide fuck it, they are coming for us and activate their police force, national guard, and militias to go hold the Other red-state Whose getting crushed by the feds,

This then causes a response from blue states to defend the feds.

This scenario could happen in a matter of fucking hours if the heat is hot enough.

One reaction to the feds by a State Who refuses to comply Will inevitably turn into civil war.

It will happen every single day; the feds clamp down harder and become more draconian, and then today, they decided to do the unthinkable.

They want to fuck with boomers' money and that will be the final straw.

Biden has to know this scenario is coming, and due to the fact that the cultural manipulators are losing control, they have to act quickly and harshly, or they risk the entire scheme,

The red states know this, the blue states know this, the feds know this.

Civil war may happen today, tomorrow, or five years from now, but I am waming you that when the black swan moment happens, it will escalate in a matter of hours to days.

Heed my warning and prepare.