Trump nor any other President is getting Immunity. Think about how absurd it even sounds to say that. We setting up a Dictatorship? We still haven't figured out the full effect of Operation Warpspeed and whether his plan to prevent a Civil War was worth it when everyone will get Raped and has already been Vaxxed anyways. He will do what he promised and we'll see from there.
Cops are fucking retarded hall monitors. Fuck cops. Trump just needs their endorsement.
Citizens should be able to defend themselves. Why even have cops with the 2nd amendment/ Cops are just there to serve their Master.
Militias would work. I don't want Government paid Hall Monitors with FULL IMMUNITY!? Talk about a fucking nightmare. That's how dictatorships are born.
How about everyone gets immunity and if enough people want you dead you're most likely going to die anyways. It's been like this since the beginning of time. If Trump is the Chosen God figure he and you all says he is then what is the worry?
White Squall movie was actually retarded. The Captain didn't even go down with the ship and spent all his time trying to save his wife.
Well sure as fuck this amount of Order ain't working.
A captain should never have his wife or family in general on the ship cuz he'll be too comp'd to do his job properly. Dumbest shit I ever heard.
Military has Tribunals. Cops just protect each other no matter what. Trump wants Immunity to protect himself from Operation Warpspeed backlash and some other stuff after he does what he promised. Selfish.
There are other options besides Government paid Cops you idiot. Doesn't just have to go full blown Anarchy.
Anons operate on basically full Chaos. You're saying we're not capable of figuring things out on our own and we need Cops or the Government? Literally fuck you. I would argue against Entropy in that things naturally fall into Order, but the Government are the ones bringing in the Chaos.
Not being allowed to shoot a criminal without a life sentence is the problem. Not defunding the police.
It's all the same shit with you fucking Sheep. It's either one Master or another. Guess I'll just have to become the Master since that's what you all want. I'm flexible.
We still need to use Trump's character to get where we need to go though. He is our vessel. Then once he does our bidding we figure it out from there. We are the ones in charge, don't give the power to Trump. Retards.
if Chicago was Anarchy then all of those niggers would be dead 100x over.
Ty. Anons are the Guards now.
So because I'm questioning basic things so we don't fall into the same trap over and over again I'm a child-sacrificing Satanist? I'd throw you into a volcano for free though.
Anarchy is a better system than a system that protects criminals and persecutes law-abiding civilians. I already said Militias would work, that would be the next step.
DC isn't Anarchy because you can't shoot the criminals as they have Immunity. DC is beyond insanity.
Anarchy would mean everyone can shoot each other without punishment from Law. It would be the Jungle. But if Citizens shoot criminals or trespassing illegal aliens, you get life in prison. What aren't you understanding here? The system is backwards, it's not even Anarchy.