This is what men go to war and fight for.
Sorority girls.
Probably pedo Peter or his perverted son, Hunter.
Bullies always pick on people whom they perceive to be weaker than themselves.
Too bad these cheating ballot box stuffers never get arrested.
Oh, that's right, the Mayor controls the Chief of Police.
One giant club of backscratchers.
It's one big circle jerk.
The gov. provides the drugs, to initiate the supposed seizure of drugs and drug money, in order to justify seizing the prop. of anyone who is even suspected of being involved in drugs.
Whenever I see that cops have made a big drug bust and show piles of drugs that they've supposedly seized, I can't help but think that it was a photo op taken before they actually dispersed the drugs to the drugs dealers. To make the public think that the police aren't the ones who are part of the cabal.
min. wage workers get to clean up a mess that farmers made
Why do the farmers hate McDonalds?
Is the world beginning to understand how sucky Israel really is?
They ran an American women over with a bulldozer, killing her, in 2003 because she was advocating for the Palestinians.
forgot pic