Satanists falsely calling themselves 'Jews', the loudest accusers and slanderers, are the world's real fascists.
Satanists falsely calling themselves 'Jews', the loudest accusers and slanderers, are the world's real fascists.
Tucker Carlson's Message to Canadians
Major booms.
"If you have a government that gives your children Fentanyl, 'euthanizes' 50,000 people per year, burns down your churches, and silences your speech, then they are trying to kill you."
You say that because you're ghey,
>no I'm not
You must be confused. It's not up to you to decide that, just like you decided on behalf of Tucker.
Have you ever deflected from a message because you're a fucking loser shill with no life? Yes, yes you have.
You're gheyer than richard simmons at a B-52s concert.
The fact is you're ghey and pathetically trying to deflect from the message.
What does your gheyness for Tucker, your introduction of that narrative, have to do with Tucker's message?
The moar you try to attack him with 'gheyness', the more your gheyness is showing.
You're deflecting from his message and are ghey for Tucker, live with it.
No, you're annoying. You're posting garbage to the bread.
I said it doesn't matter whether or not you say you're not gay. You decided Tucker is despite him saying he's not, so by your own garbage logic you're gay because you were labelled with it.
I said you're gay.
I also said you're still deflecting from his message. You even admitted it, "it has nothing to do with his message", that's precisely why you're annoying, deflecting, and spoiling the bread.
Why are you trying to set one standard for everyone else, but a different one for yourself?
Just like you said Tucker's gay, I say you're gay.
It doesn't matter what you say, because to you it doesn't matter what Tucker says.
Why is everyone else not allowed to think you're gay and everyone just move on?
Why you continue to pretend that your opinion even matters? Because apparently Tucker's opinion on himself doesn't matter to you.
Why are you thinking about gay sex in response to me posting a video of a person with an important message?
"FFS" = you getting mad because you're operating on deceit, lies, emotion, and power, and that shit doesn't work here.
>>set one standard for everyone else
>i didn't, i uttered my opinion
You did, your 'opinion' includes your statements about yourself mattering, while everyone else's statements about themselves, e.g. Tucker, doesn't matter. You say what he is and that's that, regardless of his statements, and yet you're trying to claim that your statements about yourself matter.
>>I say you're gay.
>ok, you are wrong, but you can say what you want :)
You've been wrong the whole time, lol.
>>It doesn't matter what you say
>i know
You just contradicted your earlier statements/
>>to you it doesn't matter what Tucker says
>not true, i am listening
Doesn't matter whether you're 'listening' or not, what I said stands.
>>Why you continue to pretend that your opinion even matters?
>neither does yours, but you have one and i have one too
False, I believe my opinion matters. You do too, or else you wouldn't be all huffy and typing "FFS" to a random anon on an anonymous board.
>>Why are you thinking about gay sex
You introduced it, you can't change history. You introduced the narrative, I wasn't even thinking about it, so yes, yes indeed you were thinking about gay sex.
Question is why, why does that even matter to you, why are you thinking it, that's where you probably don't want to go.
>>that shit doesn't work here
>i agree, am not stupid
>but i can still utter my thoughts, opinions, feelings no?
I can also utter my thought that you're deflecting from Tucker's message because in your own world you think about gay sex more than the message in the video.
>are you finished Mr thought police?
>love no homo
Insincere cliches you picked up here don't work.
Bye shill, not sorry that Tucker's message 'hurts', and not sorry that you're ghey and immediately had ghey thoughts about Tucker in response to a video of a speech on the Canadian government.
Anon doesn't drink alcohol, it kills brain cells, which is plainly evident in your case.
It's less radio noise and more overt/expicit 'nods' and 'threats'
Filtered you, you stupid pissant, can't see anything you write anymore, it's just garbage and poison.