>vanderbilt railroad launch new carnegie matinee to butt star
school urinal mint protest insulted wiff jfk gender
herman shitposted too hard in duh heshe
duh juws
france surrenders
english tarts on a saphic sandy voyage to murder greek juw
texas admits fault
texas conspirator admits fault
texas blames itself
ricardo cut it wiff baby farts powdurs an sold it to shaved butt church
>ricardo cut it wiff baby farts powdurs an sold it to shaved butt church
vinny pinched the load
>>ricardo cut it wiff baby farts powdurs an sold it to shaved butt church
>vinny pinched the load
ricardo truckito taht chit
>>>ricardo cut it wiff baby farts powdurs an sold it to shaved butt church
>>vinny pinched the load
>ricardo truckito taht chit
vinny sold his truckito guey
susana fucked the mexicans so hard she moved to florida to lie to the columbians that were robbed already