Anonymous ID: 754b97 Jan. 26, 2024, 1:20 a.m. No.20305526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5535

All news is fake now these days…


Even x22 report




This part of the url says it is a file that is an AI bot…


Look it up what do you get


A lot of bs that has nothing to do with anyone or anything that I know of…


So this how they program things to try to gas light gang stalk. Apparently they gas light different areas to try ti see if they get a react… they never think they are the problem or how easy it is to see though there bullshit. So you watch news, movies, read things, so they have AI ready to groom you. They need to make sure they they there is problems to justify the funding they receive so they can charge more.


Why watch or hear anything… anyone hear the radio lately seems like people are trying AI grooming music some times. Making the words up as they go along.


There is an interesting one “killer bears”


Pl is a country


For the end of the URL


So they use chat bots to mimic peoples voices shows you watch and anything. They need people to have problems or issues so they can demand more money… they refuse to believe they are the problem.


They want to keep acting like they are elite groomers and human traffickers…


It just continues and if you say anything they gang stalk you and harass you basically.


Change the a to 4 and 4 to a changed the coding…


Why do they want to try to take anything you ever watched and make it there tool to try ti groom and human traffic people with.


They are creating bs crap… so why watch x22 report anymore or have they sold out… this just like any tv program, radio, streaming anything, so on… it is always to try ti be used to groom and human traffic people because they think the population is to stupid to ever figure anything out.


So they are the problem and again America is no longer free… this is now and has been for a bit fake news.


Remember you don’t need to know any real news because your not smart enough to understand they say…

Anonymous ID: 754b97 Jan. 26, 2024, 1:28 a.m. No.20305535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5536



It is like they want to say take a shit all day long then say they got you to do it. As well if you don’t do as they say they run skits on you CRT, project anything on to you, and as they term audio punishment. This is all to try to force people to submit. They want to act like they are good but in reality they believe everyone is just to stupid to ever notice. AI has now take over not just fake news but all your personal programs shows and so on…


So again they look at you as science experiment. This is how they look at me like they believe or want to act like they are the reason anything goes good in your life because they want to say take a shit all the time…


This is why I really don’t trust speeches anymore anything on a screen.


Anything to justify there human trafficking and grooming. Worst thing about it they all just ignore if you say it is right there…


So this is how they make sure they give you only what they want you to hear… which is communist propaganda or other bs…


They can’t take that you understand what they are doing. They don’t want to believe anyone is that intelligent to see though it. Understand how they are doing what they are.


I am starting to think all sports are fake and anything you do such as games like video games are also the same. So there is no point in doing anything with electrics if you have to as they now uses them as human trafficking tools to justify there uses. They never think if they just stopped harassing you things would be ok. Treat you like a normal person… not like someone who is stupid.


It is so bad that it is almost like me showing whoever what is going on and then just acting like it is not true and continue to go along with what they where.




Anonymous ID: 754b97 Jan. 26, 2024, 1:33 a.m. No.20305536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5543



I am not a free person only someone they are running scientific experiments on with brain washing… constantly. They never consider the idea that maybe they should just let you be…


This is where people don’t understand how bad it is around. So again what are you supposed to think when they are trying to control anything and everything around you. They believe they are superior in every way that there IQ justify anything they do and they are above the law.


It is all bs… they do it to try to brake people to make them submit to being human trafficked by them or whoever else is around that they control.


It is always they are just trying to help… help what help themselves with justification of human experimentation… grooming and trying to intimidate people.


Who knows anymore… what does it matter when eveything is fake.



Anonymous ID: 754b97 Jan. 26, 2024, 1:41 a.m. No.20305543   🗄️.is 🔗kun



To say they had me go to a place to try to act like I was to stupid because they want me to remodel my place. I have debt I want to pay off first… these people don’t seem to have any concept of money. I also don’t know if I want to do much of anything because they seem to want to keep doing this. This purely wasted time and effort today. Since it was at my work I was nice just acted like I did not know what they where doing…


What can you do… so this how my life is… they never consider them as the problem.


This is how they slowly brain wash people to be human trafficked and if you don’t do as they say or say to much then they harass you.


They want you to do as they say, as you are told, with out question, because they are the masters and this is no longer a free country with the constitution.


They refuse to believe they are the problem not the solution and what they do is just plain stupid. They seem like they have to control other people like it is there obsession.

Anonymous ID: 754b97 Jan. 26, 2024, 1:46 a.m. No.20305546   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It is likely all fake… you see they are trying to get people to fight each other. They want to try to make people out to be extremist so they can justify this grooming and human trafficking system…


It is like fake news or not at all correctly depicted. The news is making themselves no longer relevant to reality. I think they are surviving by picking up anyone that is a threat or maybe buying them off.


If not then they some how find a way to harass and stalk you. It is about they must control everything. They are the elites and they believe everyone is to stupid to notice.


They are the problem… not the solution…


So the constitution no longer applies to me if I did not need a phone for work I likely would not have it… don’t you see they want you to have it so they can dictate what you read, hear, know where you are, influence what you buy, who you watch for news, and of course try to manipulate you for their causes or money.

Anonymous ID: 754b97 Jan. 26, 2024, 1:51 a.m. No.20305550   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Again if fauci and the others are in prison then who is acting for them or who is making the choices. This is done so no one has to be responsible for the actions they are making. So what does it matter that is the thing… so what if they put someone on tv that looks like them in a court room what if it is not actually them…


So this is where we are at people taken this as a free ride to do what ever they want.


They make sure to send messages that they are above the law and can do what ever they want. This is what seems to make them feel important or like they are important… they are drunk with power. Of course no one will stop them because they are above the law…


Fake news needs just two more weeks… to make there AI system work. When it has failed…


What do they care it not them that will ever be known for or blamed for what happened. That is what I want to see in the area of what happens.


Game theory says it maybe more isolated to just me then I think as well. Hard to image they do this to everyone as much.

Anonymous ID: 754b97 Jan. 26, 2024, 2:06 a.m. No.20305561   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I think I done wasting my time…


Maybe when people grow up and stop gas lighting me I can actually think they are real. Until then no point… think anything will be different.